Technology 3 min read

Amazon and AWS Democratizing AI and Big Data Analysis

Gil C /

Gil C /

Amazon held their AWS re:Invent conference on Wednesday, and CEO Andy Jassy made some huge announcements regarding plans to further utilize AI to expand their market. He announced three new AI products, all of them keeping with AWS’ original purpose of making scalable web development apps affordable for everyone.

AI and Big Data Analysis Services for all

The CEO of AWS, Andy Jassy, unveiled three new services at their convention on Wednesday, all of them geared toward democratizing the efficient and affordable use of AI and big data analysis. AI technology has been in use by large enterprises for years, but Amazon intends to enable smaller companies to take advantage of a new set of tools, and it has the potential to change the landscape of the Internet of Things.

First is the Amazon Rekognition image recognition software. Rekognition scans image batches or real-time feeds for a particular face. It will even detect sentiment, and can’t be fooled by if the subject is wearing glasses. It’s an exciting new tool, as it could help developers create smart search engines for large stores of images. It would be the first example of scalable real-time video analysis, and detecting a subject’s mood could enable companies looking to help law enforcement stop incidents before they occur.

Second, the Amazon Polly is a deep learning powered text to speech software that can use predictive analysis to make conversational text sound more natural. Deep learning allows the AI to recall a vast amount of data and including user input to make better conversation choices. This enables Polly to pick up on abbreviations and colloquialisms and the idiosyncrasies of how they should be pronounced.

To go along with the Amazon Polly, Jassy announced Amazon Lex. Lex powers Alexa and provides it with natural language understanding and automatic speech recognition. So, while Polly gives developers better ability to convert text to speech, Alexa is going to be more able to pick up on its user’s personal style of expression.

Last but not least, the third product is a new analytics product dubbed Amazon Athena. Athena allows users to query S3 with simple SQL, which makes it far easier for IT personnel to use big data analytics to glean insights on complicated problems.

AWS also unveiled upgrades to their existing services along with some new products aimed at making virtual private servers more accessible.

Big Data is big Business for Amazon

Amazon launched AWS to provide scalable web apps that give developers affordable tools to craft their own websites. By making the latest in cloud computing technology accessible to more developers, they broadened the scope of what smaller companies are capable of doing with their websites.

By making AI and big data more accessible to smaller companies, they give small businesses even more freedom to access these cutting edge technologies. The services give developers tools, not completed packages, which leaves the developer with the ability to build the kind of online presence they want with few limitations.

This could be a big step in making AI and big data analysis a mainstream technology, something that was previously the realm of larger companies that have their own research and development divisions.

AWS is now also democratizing AI and big data analysis. This will undoubtedly be a big step in integrating AI technology into our everyday lives.

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