Marketing 2 min read

Google Ads to end Accelerated Budget Delivery by October 14th

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Early this week, Google issued an advisory reminding all advertisers and Google Ads users about the upcoming changes to the budget delivery feature. As initially announced last August, all Search and Shopping campaigns and shared accelerated budget delivery will be migrated to standard budget delivery starting October 7th.

What is ad delivery?

Google Ads has two ad delivery methods, the “standard” and the “accelerated.” Both help advertisers and marketers determine how often their ads will be shown in a day.

Once a campaign is created, an advertiser must set an average daily budget to determine how much will be spent on a campaign daily. Most of this budget is used whenever a potential customer clicks on an ad.

Meaning, the more clicks the ad receives, the faster its allocated budget will be used up. With ad delivery, advertisers with limited funds can control how quickly their budgets are spent.

However, Google noted that accelerated budget delivery has not helped advertisers better utilize their budgets.

Accelerated Budget Delivery no Longer Available by October 14th

The accelerated budget delivery method is not recommended for most advertisers. Unlike the standard delivery method, it’s less optimized and is only useful if advertisers want their ads shown more during the early hours of the day.

Once a campaign has spent its allocated budget for the day, the ads will immediately stop appearing on Search. So, if the daily budget was already used up in the morning, the ads will not be shown until the morning of the next day.

Since the accelerated budget method appears to be counterproductive, Google decided to let go of the said feature. In its announcement, the search engine giant said:

“Campaigns limited by budget and using accelerated budget likely see higher average Cost-per-click (CPC) due to the higher auction pressure in the early hours. If you are having trouble meeting your spend goal, try using the recommendation page optimizations.”

By October 14th, the accelerated budget feature will no longer be accessible on Google Ads, AdWords API, Google Ads API, and Google Ads scripts. According to the company, the standard budget delivery method has been improved to better optimize ads delivery based on the goals of advertisers and query contextual signals.

To read the full announcement for the sunsetting of accelerated budget delivery, click here.

Read More: Google Ads Now Allows Cross Account Analysis For Manager Accounts

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Chelle Fuertes

Chelle is the Product Management Lead at INK. She's an experienced SEO professional as well as UX researcher and designer. She enjoys traveling and spending time anywhere near the sea with her family and friends.

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