Marketing 2 min read

Google Expands Placement Options for Its App Ads

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Google is introducing more placement options for its app ads.

Currently, you’ll find Google ads on the Play Store, YouTube, the search engine result page, and on over 3 million other sites and apps. However, recent reports suggest that the placement option could expand to include the Discover feed and other parts of YouTube.

Here’s everything you should know about the new placement options.

Placement Option on Google Discover

Back in 2017, the search engine giant introduced the Google Feed to deliver relevant content to users, even when they’re not searching. The app has undergone tremendous growth since then, with over 800 million monthly users staying up to date on their interest.

While the app’s look and the name have changed (into Google Discover) over the years, the essential experience has remained the same. Now Google is expanding its ads placement option to include the Discover.

That means, app campaigns in the United States will automatically appear on the feed of Discover users, who have expressed interest. And in the next couple of months, the update could extend to other countries.

These include Pakistan, Brazil, Canada, Japan, South Africa, Indonesia, and Malaysia. According to Google, app ads on Discover should reach other available markets before the end of the year.

Placement Option on YouTube App Ads

Google is also adding app ads at the top of the mobile search results on YouTube.

Starting from this month, users of the video streaming service will see app ads when viewing videos on their smart devices. Known as in-stream video ads, viewers will have the option of skipping the ads that could play before, during, or after a video.

Aside from these placement options, Google also hinted that it would explore the possibility of adding ad placement in load pages. With this update, Google Ads could pop up every time your app is loading.

The search engine giant wrote in a blog post:

“Our new app open ad format allows you to show ads to your users as they wait for your app to load. Designed to seamlessly integrate with your app’s branding, this format gives you new ways to earn revenue while creating a good user experience. Reach out to your account manager to get started with this format in alpha.”

Read More: How to Save Your Website From Google Penalties

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Sumbo Bello

Sumbo Bello is a creative writer who enjoys creating data-driven content for news sites. In his spare time, he plays basketball and listens to Coldplay.

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