Marketing 3 min read

Google to Replace In-Person Conference With New Video Series

Webmaster Conference Lightning Talks Hosts

Webmaster Conference Lightning Talks Hosts

For the first time, Google is bringing its advocates together in a new video series called Webmaster Conference Lightning Talks. 

As the novel coronavirus continues to spread, Google has had to cancel several in-person events, including its Webmaster Conference.

Like any other conference organizers, the search engine company is now bringing the event online with some key differences. For one, the new video series is not live, and they require no prior registration.

As the title implies, each episode will be a short discussion that’s similar to what a Google Webmaster conference provides. What’s more, Google’s team promises that the talks are still packed with information.

In a statement about the new series, Google notes:

“With our physical Webmaster Conference events on hold, we are excited to bring you a new series featuring conference-style talks we normally deliver at Webmaster conferences around the world.”

Members of the Google team that’ll be presenting in the video series include John Brown, Martin Splitt, John Mueller, and Daniel Waisberg.

Topics Covered in Google’s Upcoming Video Series

Here’s a breakdown of what each of these members will focus on in the upcoming videos.

Google Monetized Policies

Talks from John Brown in the next video series will focus on Google monetized policies. Brown is the Head of Publisher Policy Communications at Google. And he’s a new face on the Google Webmaster channel.

Structured Data and Search Console

Daniel Waisberg will be delivering talks on structured data and Google Search Console.

Waisberg is not entirely new on the Google Webmasters channel. The Google executive has been hosting Google’s Search Console Training video series.

It appears he’ll stick with this topic in the upcoming Lightning Talks series.


According to the video launch, John Mueller will focus on HTTPS only, even though his expertise extends beyond web security.

Mueller has already created videos on various topics. He’s also hosting live videos where individuals can ask him questions that are related to search engine optimization.

Links and JavaScript

Recently, Martin Splitt has been hosting his version of Webmaster Hangouts that is dedicated to questions about SEO and Javascript. So, it only makes sense that he’ll handle a similar topic in the new video series. This time, he’ll be focusing on links and Javascript

Google intends to release the new Lightning Talks video throughout the year, starting this month.

Here’s a short trailer:

Read More: Google Suspends Changes to Partners Program Until 2021

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Sumbo Bello

Sumbo Bello is a creative writer who enjoys creating data-driven content for news sites. In his spare time, he plays basketball and listens to Coldplay.

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