Technology 3 min read

Google to Roll out New Google Assistant Features This 2020

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In the ongoing CES, Google has announced that it will be rolling out new Google Assistant features this year.

Google recently stated that 500 million people across the globe now use Google Assistant on their smartphones, smart home devices, TVs, cars, and other gadgets. Then, the tech company went further to announce new features to make the virtual assistant more useful.

While half a billion users across the globe are no small number, recent reports suggest that Google Assistant is still trailing Amazon‘s Alexa and Apple’s Siri.

According to a study published last month, Google Assistant owns 9 percent of the virtual assistant market. Apple’s Siri, on the other hand, holds as much as 35 percent of the market share worldwide.

One thing to note is that market share only considers the install base and not the number of monthly worldwide users.

Along with announcing the number of active monthly users, the tech company also announced new features coming to its virtual assistant.

Vice president of Google Assistant, Manuel Bronstein, wrote in a blog post:

“At CES, we’re announcing new features that make the Assistant more helpful throughout your day when you’re at home, in the car, or on your phone.”

Here’s a break down of the features.

3 New Google Assistant Features This 2020

Here are some of the new Google Assistant features that will be rolled out later in the year.

Long-Form Reading

Recent advancements in language understanding and speech technology have now made it possible for Google Assistant to read long-form content.

According to Bronstein, the new dataset provides more expressive and natural sounding voices, which enable users to listen for a more extended period. Whether you want to listen to blog content or short story, just say, “Hey Google, read this page.”

Also, the virtual assistant can translate content into 42 languages, including Hindi, Spanish, and German.

Scheduled Actions

In the coming months, the Google Assistant will provide users with more granular control of their smart devices.

Users will be able to ask their virtual assistant to perform a specific action on a compatible smart device at a time of their choosing. For example, you can say, “Hey Google, run the coffee maker at 6 a.m.”

Besides, the Google Home app will allow users to control over 20 new devices aside from your coffee maker. These include air purifiers, AC units, bathtubs, among others.

Household Notes

Household notes is a fancy name for sticky notes.

Rather than keep clutter of paper notes around the house, the new Google Assistant feature ensures that your notes remain in a central location. Anyone can create household notes, and it doesn’t require any sign-ins.

For example, you can leave a note informing your family that you already fed the cat. Simply say, “Hey Google, leave a note that says I already fed Garfield.”

We are focused on making the Assistant simpler to use and more helpful every day,” Bronstein concluded. “And this is just a first peek at what you can expect from us this year.

Read More: CES 2020 Updates: Google And Facebook Announcements

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