Marketing 3 min read

How to Create Viral Instagram Content

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Most marketers dream of creating viral Instagram content, but few have ever achieved it. At the end of this post, you’ll know what you must do to join that exclusive club.

Instagram marketing is hugely beneficial for businesses and brands, and that’s not surprising.

Over 200 million users visit a business profile on Instagram at least once a day. Also, 60 percent of IG users learn about new products through the platform.

Aside from the Instagram ads, other features such as Stories and newsfeed posts can help you achieve your marketing goals – or even make you go viral.

Viral content is a material such as an article, image, or video, that spreads rapidly online through website links or social sharing. It’s when a post from an account with hundreds of followers get over 100,000 likes and views, including thousands of comment.

Instagram, with its 1 billion monthly active users, provides an opportunity to do just that.

Unfortunately, that’s not as easy as it sounds. Several things must work in your favor to go viral on Instagram or any other platform.

Here are some tips to help take the guesswork out of the process.

4 Tips to Help Create Viral Instagram Content

1. Know Your Audience

Creating content that could go viral is like any other marketing initiative. That means you need to know your audience to create a campaign that’ll effectively target prospects.

To find out what makes your audience tick, you may want to develop a marketing persona. It’s a composite sketch of a critical segment of your audience, which could include psychographic and demographic information.

With this information in hand, you’ll know the contents that your audience will likely share.

2. Tie Your Content to A Trending Topic

This is one of the easiest ways to create viral Instagram content.

From a video of a cute dancing dog to a piano-playing kitten, some contents are viral by its very nature. You simply have to recreate those contents but with a little twist.

For example, if videos of people hanging with flamingoes seem to be doing pretty well, record a similar video, and create a story around it.

3. Use Viral Content From Other Platforms

Don’t limit your search for trendy topics to Instagram; consider other social media platforms too. It’s based on the idea that whatever generates high engagement on Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter will have a similar performance on Instagram.

With that said, Instagram knows when a post isn’t original. So, while reposting a video or photo could help you go viral on the platform, it’s a lot easier when you post something new.

Also, aside from crediting the content creator, you may have to get their written permission too.

4. Create Your Instagram Content

As said earlier, your chances of going viral on increases when the content is original.

Unfortunately, creating original Instagram content can be challenging. It’s even more difficult when you’re making viral content.

However, you can identify the things that are unique to your brand and create a story from it. It could be a flaw or a weakness, but going viral can transform it into a strength.

Note: videos tend to go viral on Instagram more often than photos.

Read More: Facebook Advertisers Are Shifting Ad Spending to Instagram Stories

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