Technology 2 min read

How to Know if Your Facebook Info was Stolen by Cambridge Analytica

Frederic Legrand - COMEO /

Frederic Legrand - COMEO /

Today, Facebook will start notifying all the people whose Facebook Information was shared without permission to Cambridge Analytica.

As reported last week, today the social media giant will begin notifying all users whose Facebook information was reportedly stolen by Cambridge Analytica.

It’s been weeks since Facebook’s nightmare surfaced: a data breach that compromised over 80 million Facebook users’ data.

Since the 2016 breach was discovered, the company began discovering the wrath of its users. It also didn’t help that its esteemed CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, and other high executives kept their silence in the middle of all the ruckus.

Following Zuckerberg’s exclusive interview with CNN on March 21st, Facebook has started fixing the damage caused by the scandal. On March 29th, the company announced that it would be rolling out a new data privacy tool to give users more control over their Facebook information.

Read More: Facebook Reveals new Data Privacy Tool Following Latest Scandal

Aside from that, they also informed the public that all Facebook accounts that may have been shared improperly with Cambridge Analytica would see a notification on their news feeds, like the one shown on the image below, on today, April 9th.

So, if you’re one of the unfortunate individuals who had their Facebook information compromised, you will receive a notification like the one on the right. Otherwise, you’ll see the one on the left.

Protect your Facebook information
Protect your Facebook information | Facebook

It was reported that out of the 87 million affected user accounts, 70 million are from the United States while the rest are from the United Kingdom, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

As part of the social media network’s damage control strategy, Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s COO, has also spoken out about the issue last week in a series of media interviews.

Read More: Sheryl Sandberg Finally Speaks up on Facebook Data Breach Scandal

Over the weekend, the company reportedly cut ties with CubeYou, a data analytics company, for allegedly misusing data for its personality quizzes. Facebook also booted Canada-based analytics firm AggregateIQ.

Zuckerberg is scheduled to appear in front of two congressional committees this week, the Senate Judiciary and Commerce Committee and the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

To date, Zuckerberg has denied the request of the British government to testify in London personally.

Are you one of the 87 million users whose Facebook Information has been compromised?

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Chelle Fuertes

Chelle is the Product Management Lead at INK. She's an experienced SEO professional as well as UX researcher and designer. She enjoys traveling and spending time anywhere near the sea with her family and friends.

Comments (2)
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  1. Profile Image

    so well

  2. Alexander De Ridder April 10 at 5:24 am GMT

    How to know if your Facebook data was stolen?
    Q: Did you have a Facebook account?
    a) yes: it was stolen.
    b) no: it was not stolen.

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