Science 2 min read

New Quantum Computer can Predict the Future

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A joint team of researchers from Griffith University in Australia and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore reportedly developed a new quantum computer that can generate all possible futures.

However, don’t get your hopes up about winning the lottery or acing your school exams anytime soon. The machine is not advanced enough yet to predict game winners or the outcome of lottery draws.

By working on subatomic scales, the computer system can simulate around 16 timelines for packets of light or photons that occupy different locations.

In their paper, the team described how their new quantum device could help artificially intelligent machines learn much faster in the future. Furthermore, it could also boost the viability of quantum computers as practical tools in the real world.

New Quantum Computer to Predict the Future

The new quantum computer can predict alternative realities at any given moment by tracking the movement of photons and measuring their outcomes. It operates based on the principles of physicist Richard Feynman who discovered that particles traveling between two points don’t follow a single path.

This superposition allows the researchers to introduce and demonstrate the possibility of comparing statistical futures of two classical processes through quantum interference.

According to Nora Tischler, one of the scientist from Griffith University:

“The process has two outcomes at any given time-step, and we simulated over three time-steps, and so every possible trajectory of that process over those time-steps. This is just showing that it’s possible at all; the new thing was being able to do it over more than one time-step, and comparing more than one process in an efficient way.In the future the goal would be to scale it up to more complex and interesting processes.”

The researchers believe that their quantum system could make predictions such as changes in weather, stock markets, and traffic patterns.

Read More: 11 Facts That Help Explain The Quantum Computer

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Chelle Fuertes

Chelle is the Product Management Lead at INK. She's an experienced SEO professional as well as UX researcher and designer. She enjoys traveling and spending time anywhere near the sea with her family and friends.

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