Science 3 min read

Qutrit Teleportation Successfully Made for the First Time

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Two independent teams of researchers conducted qutrit teleportation successfully, marking another breakthrough in quantum physics.

However, the experiments appeared to have been made within days of each other. Now, the teams are awaiting the peer review results of their independent studies to know who will be credited with the title “the first humans” to accomplish the feat.

To date, quantum teleportation has always been limited to qubits or the units of quantum information. They’re similar to the binary bits (1 and 0) used in conventional computers. The only difference is that qubits can be both 0 and 1.

But while qubit is the quantum version of bit, qutrit is the quantum counterpart of the classical ternary system trit. Unlike bits, trits add two to the mix.

Meaning, qutrits can be both 0, 1, and 2, allowing them to carry more information and resist noise better than qubits.

Qutrit Teleportation: Who Did it First?

Unfortunately, despite qutrits’ many potential applications in quantum systems, their use remains theoretical because they’re difficult to create.

Yet, this didn’t stop two rivaling teams from different parts of the world to do what no one has done before: qutrit teleportation.

The University of Science and Technology of China researchers led by physicist Guangcan Guo and Austrian Academy of Sciences team led by Anton Zeilinger published pre-prints of their studies, both claiming to have successfully teleported qutrits.

Guo and his team pre-published their work at arXiv titled “Experimental multi-level quantum teleportation.” Zeilinger and his colleagues’ paper titled “Quantum teleportation in high dimensions” is already been accepted by the journal Physical Review Letters.

Both teams used the triple-branching path of a photon to create their qutrits. They were also able to entangle two qutrits together, accomplishing Bell state.

However, the two teams are disputing each other’s Bell state fidelity.

The Chinese scientists claim that their Bell state measurement, which was taken over ten states, is sufficient for a proof-of-concept experiment.

But, Zeilinger noted that it’s not since Guo’s team failed to measure a sufficient number of Bell states to prove its fidelity is high enough.

Despite their opposing arguments, the nitpicking remains friendly, and both teams have acknowledged each other’s success in teleporting quantum trit.

Quantum Teleportation

Teleportation is one of the many promising quantum technologies that physicists have been working on for years now.

However, unlike the teleportation technologies that we often see on sci-fi movies and TV series, real-life teleportation is not as alluring.

Quantum teleportation has always been envisioned as the key to sending and receiving information at the speed of light. Also, it’s being eyed for its potential to keep all channels of communication secured in the future.

While teleporting qutrit was the first attempt to transmit information using qutrit, it’s not the first time that scientists successfully tried quantum teleportation.

Last 2017, Chinese scientists teleported photons from two points, which were 7,600 km apart from each other. And just a month ago, Japanese physicists transported quantum information within a diamond.

Read More: Two-Qubit Quantum Gate Successfully Built For The First Time

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Chelle Fuertes

Chelle is the Product Management Lead at INK. She's an experienced SEO professional as well as UX researcher and designer. She enjoys traveling and spending time anywhere near the sea with her family and friends.

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