Culture 2 min read

Spending Time On WhatsApp is Good for Your Psychological Well-being

Alex Ruhl /

Alex Ruhl /

Spending so much time on social media platforms may not be as bad as you’d previously thought. In fact, researchers at Edge Hill University are saying that it may be suitable for our psychological well-being after all.

This is especially true when the platform in question is the Facebook-owned chat app, WhatsApp Messenger.

Several past studies have explored whether social media is good for our well-being. While many concluded that it causes more harm than good, others suggested that it may not be as bad as we think.

Now, a new study has contributed to the latter category.

According to a senior lecturer of Psychology at Edge Hill University, Dr. Linda Kaye, the text-based messaging app, which offers the chat function, has a positive psychological impact on our well-being.

How is this possible, you ask?

How Using WhatsApp Improves Psychological Well-being

When people spend more time on WhatsApp, they feel closer to their friends. As a result, not only do they feel less lonely, but they also develop higher self-esteem.

Speaking about the research, Dr. Kaye said:

“The more time people spent on WhatsApp, the more this related to them feeling close to their friends and family, and they perceived these relationships to be good quality.”

Alongside leading to healthier self-esteem, the study suggests that close bonds created on Whatsapp groups can increase social competence.

“Group affiliation also meant that WhatsApp users were less lonely. It seems that using WhatsApp to connect with our close friends is favorable for aspects of our well-being,” says Dr. Kaye.

For the study, the researchers surveyed 200 participants, which consists of 158 women and 41 men. The participants reported using WhatsApp for 55 minutes per day, with reasons varying from popularity to group function.

With their findings, Dr. Kaye and her team have contributed to the ongoing debate on how social media usage affects our well-being. Furthermore, it provides specific evidence of how communication technology serves as social support motivation.

The researcher noted concluded:

“It gives rise to the notion that social technology, such as WhatsApp may stimulate existing relationships and opportunities for communication, thereby enhancing aspects of the users’ positive well-being.”

Read the full study here.

Read More: Hackers use WhatsApp to Infect Phones With Spyware

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Sumbo Bello

Sumbo Bello is a creative writer who enjoys creating data-driven content for news sites. In his spare time, he plays basketball and listens to Coldplay.

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