Marketing 4 min read

8 ways to Improve Your Digital Marketing Content now

Sfio Cracho |

Sfio Cracho |

Your website, blog or e-commerce must be designed with the user in mind: it should cater to people and not to social media bots and search engine algorithms. To that end, any marketing strategy must revolve around content that will bring useful information to your target audience.

Content is the holy grail of the Internet and the cornerstone of digital marketing. In an increasingly saturated and competitive environment, whether for B2B or B2C, digital marketing is undergoing profound transformations. Content marketing is a priority process that plays a key role in digital marketing. It was estimated in 2015 that over 70% of marketers were creating more content than the previous year.

Edgy Labs prepared this little guide of good practices and tips that will help you improve your content and boost your online visibility.

Edgy Lab's 8 ways to improve your digital marketing content now.Click To Tweet

Here are 8 ways to improve your digital marketing content now:

8. Great Formatting

No matter the business, the content you create to help attract attention to your business has to be prepared in a professional and stylish manner.

Shoot for longer, structured posts whether for your website or guest blogs to get backlinks. Optimize headlines, make them short and sweet and don’t overuse question marks.

7. Constantly Refresh and Recycle

Update your old content and dust it off to give it a fresher look while infusing it with value. You can repurpose content using the Skyscraper method.

Remember that as you release content, readers won’t notice every piece. Recycled older content will undoubtedly seem new to someone.

6. Get Your Content on the Most Relevant Sites

Push your content and make it available on relevant authoritative websites. That way, you can leverage their ethos to get more traffic and raise the positive perception of your own business website.

5. Keep new Content Flowing

Publish new content multiple times per week if not daily. 42% of digital marketers do so. Have a plan for content creation, promotion and remaining consistent.

If you’re unsure how to do this, stop by the Edgy services page and check out how we can help.

4. Link Your Content Together

Serialize your content!

This is a tactic already used to great effect in fiction and the entertainment industry. Essentially, you should make sure that each piece of content refers to or relates to another piece of content.

In this way, you build interested, informed readership. People who liked your content the first time would come back for more.

3. Prioritize Timely, Relevant, and Perennial Content

Give priority to content that is timeless and remains relevant and pertinent. Think of the difference between a blog post on the latest Bud Light can design and the one you are reading now.

Which one you think is going to stand the test of time?

2. Goes Easy on the SEO

Again, keep in mind that you are creating content for people not for Google bots.

While it’s wise to have an eye on SEO, a short, artificial boost in traffic is only good for jumpstarting content or producing somewhat impressive analytical numbers.

Your content should be interesting and help people regarding the subject matter. This concept is lost in many businesses, but you are actually trying to create real relationships between people and helpful content.

For example, avoid keyword stuffing and have a native editor for the language of your content.

1. Be a Knowledgable Friend, not a Condescending Boss 

This is linked to the previous idea. Always opt for a friendly and conversational tone to give the impression of speaking from peer to peer.

There’s no better way to have an audience relate to and engage with your content.

First AI Web Content Optimization Platform Just for Writers

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Zayan Guedim

Trilingual poet, investigative journalist, and novelist. Zed loves tackling the big existential questions and all-things quantum.

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