Science 3 min read

Alcosynth: Hangover Free Synthetic Alcohol is Coming



After a night of heavy drinking, we all know how painful its after-effects can be.

Dehydration, nausea, fatigue, and headaches are just a few hangover symptoms that vary from person and person.

Some believe in the “hair of the dog” theory and think drinking more alcohol is the best way to cure a hangover, others swear by some foods, and then there are those who use anti-hangover drugs.

Available online are many anti-hangover supplements, pills, and patches, that help your body process alcohol more effectively.

All these products claim to cure a hangover but there ’s no definitive evidence as to whether they work or not.

Don’t look any further for a hangover remedy because a new synthetic alcohol promises you all the fun without the hangover.

Is Alcosynth the Healthy Booze of Future?

A group of scientists at Alcarelle has been working on an ethanol-free synthetic alcohol, or Alcosynth, that causes drunkenness but without hangover effects.

Alcosynth is a new chemical formula that mimics the same “good effects” of alcohol on specific regions of the brain without triggering its usual bad after effects.

The developers of the Alcosynth molecule claim it gets you to relax without having to deal with the unpleasant diuretic effects of alcohol and other long-term health complications.

The team concocted and tested dozens of chemical combinations to get to their magic formula. Now, two of them are close to commercialization.

They hope to make Alcosynth, also referred to as Alcarelle, the alcohol of the future and aim to commercialize it, indirectly into other drinks, as an alternative to conventional alcohol.

David Orren, Alcarelle’s managing director, explains their vision:

“Alcarelle is an ingredient that would be manufactured and then sold to drinks companies, licensed to ingredients companies, and then distributed to the global drinks industry. Brands would then develop new products, and they would use this as an ingredient in ‘free-from ethanol’ adult drinks, mixing it with any formulations that made sense for their particular consumer.”

Alcarelle’s founders are getting ahead, confident in their product. To bring its synthetic hangover-free alcohol to the market, the company started luring seed investors last November, aiming to raise £20 million.

Doctor David Nutt is Alcarelle’s co-founder and former government drug adviser. As a psychiatrist, he has spent many years treating people with drinking problems.

For Nutt, alcohol is more harmful than heroin and crack. But that doesn’t make him an ascetic who rejects alcohol fun altogether. Dr. Nutt enjoys a “very small” single malt before bed while also co-owning a wine bar with his daughter.

After spending so many years on his Alcosynth project, Nutt thinks the world is ready for alcohol-free drinks.

“The industry knows alcohol is a toxic substance. If it were discovered today, it would be illegal as a foodstuff.,” Nutt told the Guardian. “The safe limit of alcohol, if you apply food standards criteria, would be one glass of wine a year.”

Read More: Researchers Find the Brain Circuit Responsible for Alcohol Cravings

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Zayan Guedim

Trilingual poet, investigative journalist, and novelist. Zed loves tackling the big existential questions and all-things quantum.

Comments (2)
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  1. Profile Image
    Derrick Vanwyk April 11 at 2:03 pm GMT

    It’s nice to be here. An indulging article.

  2. Profile Image
    Lisa Gaillard April 02 at 9:57 am GMT

    Hangover is the reason I don’t drink at all and never will.

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