According to a post on Bloomberg, you may have to write an identification number on your drone before you can legally fly it.
Law enforcement and security agencies are worried about the potential for concealed explosives in drones and have expressed their concerns to the Federal Aviation Administration.
According to the FAA, the action is necessary because agencies such as the Homeland Security Department and the FBI raised concerns “regarding the risk a concealed explosive device poses to first responders who must open a compartment to find the small unmanned aircraft’s registration number.”
To address the growing concern, the United States government now requires all civilian drones to have external markings. That way, authorities can quickly identify the owners.
Aside from tackling the security issues, the regulation also allows the government to gain a bit of control over the ever-growing commercial drone industry.
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, over 1 million drones are registered in the country. It includes 878,000 hobbyists, who received a single identification number for all the drones they own, and 122,000 other commercial drones.
But, here’s the thing; the number is expected to increase. Reports reveal that hobbyist drones will more than triple in number to 3.5 million drones by 2021.
While the FAA is trying to accommodate calls for more drones in the sky, the agency is also focused on preserving safety and security.
With the January 14 announcement, we know that the FAA already has a proposed framework for expanded flights in populated areas. It’s also working on a regulation that involves civilian drones broadcasting a radio beacon to identify the owner and location.
But this new rule may be the foundation the agency needs to implement the other regulations. For now, users just have to display their registration number on the drone – often within the battery compartment as recommended in 2015.
Although the regulation was posted on a preview website for the Federal Registrar on Tuesday, it’s not expected to take effect until February 23.
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