Thanks to Plato’s account of the lost city and Google Earth, new visual and arithmetic clues suggest that the mythical city of Atlantis may have been hiding in plain sight the entire time, in rather an unlikely place.
Since Plato first described it in his dialogues in 360 BC, the legend of Atlantis has traveled down the ages and only got stronger as centuries wore on.
As the legend goes, Atlantians tried to invade Athens, but were pushed back, and had to endure the wrath of gods pouring down as a mighty deluge that engulfed the city. Atlantis sank, never to be seen ever again.
Plato’s account of Atlantis is supposedly suggesting that tyrannical powers can’t triumph over organized democratic states, which is a major theme of his The Republic, written a few years earlier.
“This [invading] power came forth out of the Atlantic Ocean, for in those days the Atlantic was navigable; and there was an island situated in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Heracles,” so went the recount of Plato (in Timaeus) who goes on to describe the fate of Atlantis, “in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea”.
To this day, Atlantis is still a dream for some archeologists, and a breeding ground for conspiracy theorists, who all believe the city was a real ancient advanced civilization that vanished due to a natural disaster after it has dominated the world.
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The Lost City of Atlantis is the Eye of the Sahara
Most assumed that Atlantis, thought to have been once an idyllic paradise and a highly advanced society, would be under the water somewhere in the Atlantic ocean or the Mediterranean sea, or under the ice of Antarctica.
Even armed with modern science and tech, and more accurate translations of Plato’s account, no one has come close to finding this version of Atlantis.
Now, we may have new clues as to the whereabouts of the Atlantis island that remained unseen since it went under around 9600 BC.
Propounded by a YouTube channel called Bright Insight, a new theory, which fits Plato’s description nicely, suggests Atlantis has been hiding in the Sahara all along.
Located in Mauritania (Northwest Africa), about 250 miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean, the Richat structure is more known as the Eye of the Sahara or the Eye of Africa.
The Eye of the Sahara is a prominent circular geological structure that, at 30 miles across, is so huge that NASA astronauts used it as a landmark. From the ground, it’s hard to discern, but, thanks to satellite imagery of the Gemini 4 first in 1965, then other space missions , we finally got a comprehensive view of this giant bulls-eye.
First thought to be a meteorite impact site or the remnant of an ancient volcano that erupted long ago, the Richat structure is now considered to be the natural product of an uplift shaped by erosion, which formed over a hundred million years ago.
Bright Insight, however, has another theory that aspires to explain the origins of both Atlantis and the Eye of the Sahara by suggesting they are the same, or, more accurately, the latter is the ruinous remains of the former.
Bright Insight claims the Eye of the Sahara to be “the most likely location for the lost city of Atlantis as it matches so many precise details of what Plato wrote”.
Atlantis… in Google Earth
With its almost perfect circularity and measurements of it concentric circles, which can’t be explained by natural elements like erosion, the Eye of the Sahara fits the description of Plato. According to the philosopher, Atlantis was made of “alternate zones of sea and land, larger and smaller, encircling one another; there were two of land and three of water, which he turned as with a lathe out of the center of the island, equidistant every way”.
The first clue is that if there had been water in the Eye of the Sahara, there would be three rings of water and two of land, as Plato described.
The second clue, according to Plato’s texts, is that Atlantis disappeared 11,600 years ago, which could have coincided with a comet event (the Younger Dryas theory) that just might have caused the destruction of Atlantis, maybe by a tsunami.
The third clue is that Plato said the diameter of the Atlantis island was 127 stadia, which is an ancient Greek distance unit that’s 607-630 feet (185-192 meters). So the diameter of the city of Atlantis was 127×607 stadia, or 14.6 miles (23.5 km).
Measurements in Google Earth give you anywhere between 20 to 24 km, which is very close.
Another hint: “The mountains of the island of Atlantis were celebrated for their size and beauty,” said Plato, “The surrounding mountains of the city flow with rivers. This part of the island looked toward the south and was sheltered from the north”.
The Eye of the Sahara happens to be encircled with a chain of mountains on the north side, and satellite imagery shows traces of many ancient rivers on the sides of these mountains.
Picture these rivers before they dry up, water spilling around the island of Atlantis, and the lush vegetation that could once have covered this desolate place.
Plato says the city opens up to the ocean, and you can see in the image below that matches that description very well, and the mountains.
There are many other clues that all point out that the Eye of the Sahara could well be the legendary Atlantis.
For example, Plato also said that the city had elephants in great numbers, and archeologists have found many skeletal remains of elephants in the area, and there are also rock art depictions of elephants there.
Although this YouTube channel brings something new to the table, this is not the first time that the Eye of the Sahara has been suggested as the location of the lost city of Atlantis.
Let’s see, Plato lived from about 427-347BC, and this site ‘supposedly’ went under before 9600BC. That’s well over 450 generations for this thing to be handed down via word of mouth. And it is still supposed to be accurate after 450+ generation? And remember, the first written language is shown to be around 2500-3000BC in Mesopotamia.
Lets every one of us gather round in a circle of chairs, and start a new game of “Gossip”, and see just how accurate things at the end relate to things at the beginning. I think I will stick with the “Thera” event, since it would be fresher in everyone’s minds back then.
The legend goes that Solon, Plato’s ancestor had gone to Egypt in the bid for knowledge, where he was told of the tale of Atlantis by priests at a temple who translated the hieroglyphs on the walls. That temple could have retained that information for many millennia, and copied from an older source from another location, and with Solon taking the knowledge back with him and transcribing it in notes that are handed down. So there is a theoretical link to each stage of the story telling that is not left to hearsay.
But I do understand what you are saying, and the flood myth is a good example of it. There are so many Flood stories that are spread all over the world through many different ages, that over time, the story has evolved and been shaped by the culture who tells it.
Christianity has Noah, as did the Sumerians as the more prominent sources, but they all point to a singular catastrophe that happened in our pre-history that shaped how we developed. This is the event that is being linked in with the Younger Dryas event in North America 13000 years ago (dating may be a bit off, but there were 2 events where ice sheets covering the continent suddenly melted, creating massive scrub lands that are now being used as proof of this event.
Written language is being dated further and further back in to times when scholars claim we were hunter gatherers and weren’t at the point where information retention was a priority.
Look at Gobleki Tepe, it is dated to have been covered over around 11000 years ago and is currently one of the oldest examples that we currently accept of megalithic structures, which has engravings all over it’s pillars that have been excavated so far. This also points to an event around the same time as the Younger Dryas which also is around the time of when Atlantis was told to have been obliterated.
Even if the Eye of the Sahara is not Atlantis, I do honestly feel that we are missing parts of our own history and that as Graham Hancock rightly says, we are a species with amnesia when it comes to where we come from.
Excellent response and I second it.
“And remember, the first written language is shown to be around 2500-3000BC in Mesopotamia.”
Wise to remember the limitations of our knowledge.
The first monolitho stone carvings were thought to be no more than 6000 years old, but then Gobleki Teppe was discovered, which moved the date back another 5000 years.
To repeat the hackneyed phrase: “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”.
Wise also yo realize we habe few limitations. Humans have been around for approx 350000 years. Modern humans i mean. Same as us. Do you really think we spent 300000 years living in caves? No qe obviously made civilization before. It nakes no sense why we wouldn’t. We were not cave men we were hunter gatherers amd lived off the land the survivors of the flood are the ones startred our civilization. With gifts of language, science ASTRO.omh amd medicine aswell as advanced sprouted practices and knowledge of plants and midn altering substances. The atlanteans are tour forefathers a d whos to say how far theor history goes back or even if they weren’t the forts civilization but one ina long line.of civilzzaymtjons over that because ammount of years. Thi k about that. We didn’t live in caves for 300000 ysrs or more. Ist j.our bambatire to v
Create. Its not like a.switch came.on one day amd said let’s build a cinmvilizayiom it happen.little.bits at a time. Atlantis was the golden age of man.
Plato also stole the story from egypt, just saying.
I dont think your thinking about it clearly. How many coincidences is it gonna take for you even entertain the possibility? Amd also, Solon got it from the Egyptian scribes at thebes during his lifetime soemtime near the end of his life i believe. It is said that solon had written it down but those are lost and it survived a few generation in his family until Plato, Solons great great grandson, was told thw story as a child. A d Plato later wote its description from.memory amd it stayed taht way until the great fire at the libary of Alexandria in the 300’s ad I belive, so thats how it stayed until modern times. There were in all.liklihood.oyhwr accounts of aglantis that has all been lost woyh the final destruction of the library of Alaxandria for Alexander had.searched the entire known world for relics amd writings from all cultures.. what a loss to humanity taht was. And let’s not forget the book burnings of the dark ages. Yay fun. 🙁
Well this theory misses the small part of the story where it sinks under the sea and was an island in the atlantic. It is typical nonsense, there is no evidence of a city being there.
The wikipedia entry says: “it was later sunk by an earthquake and became an impassable mud shoal, inhibiting travel to any part of the ocean.”
The earthquake blocked the river that led to the sea, causing the area, and the plains to the south, to flood. After that the city was cut off from the rest of the world, and it’s fertile plains were under water. If there really was as many people as Plato says (millions), there would have been an utter chaos as a famine struck.
Typical retarded bitch right here, unable to relaize that *GASP* plato didn’ toriginally create the story you subhuman fitlh.
acrmtually the entire area is littered with seashells and even the Skelton.of a whalr in the middle of the desert right bear the richart, now if you actually read platos description it said that seas had turned into a plane of mud as far as the eye could see amd that it was no longer navigable. What happened atbyen end of the younger dramas when the last meteorite struck was it hit the north American ice sheet cause in g a neary 3 mile deep crater in it and cauae trillions of liters of.melt water instantly into the Atlantic and pacific. Cause ing a rise i sea-level of 40 feet overnight smd 400 feet in one thousand years. Which in geological terms is a blink.
Really interesting theory. Hope someone excavates there, In such conditions, artifacts would have certainly survived.
This is a wonderful add to the Atlantis mystery. There are enough head scratchers, the size, the shape, the surrounding topography, that it makes for a compelling story.
No doubt the “Eye of the Sahara”is an excellent candidate for the lost city of Atlantis. This information is pretty exciting. Hopefully more information as well as scientific proof in the near future will send the conventional closed schools of thought and “knowledge” packing and sent home. Its more than time to open our horizons and to clear the amnesia as Graham Hancock says.
What happened to the Atlantis site in the mudflats of southern Spain? That looked pretty good too.
“In their wailing they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and lament over thee, saying, What city is like Tyrus, like the destroyed in the midst of the sea?
When thy wares went forth out of the seas, thou filledst many people; thou didst enrich the kings of the earth with the multitude of thy riches and of thy merchandise.”
Ezekiel 27:32-33 KJV
Mediterranean = “Middle Tyre” (Tyrus)
Tyra; ancient Scandinavian (Sea People) name. From (Th)orvi Th from Thurisaz Rune.
Tyre, from Hebrew Tsor; a rock
Where did the copper for the “Bronze Age” come from?
The only sources of tin were (what is now) Germany, Cornwall and the west side of the Iberian Peninsula.
By George, I think you’ve got it!
The work of Jean Seimple contains an exposition on the location of Atlantis based on data he obtained from The Great Pyramid of Khufu. I found it very convincing. Take a look for yourself. Here’s the link:
Africa is the birth place of the human race. 9000 years ago coincides with information about deluges in those surrounding areas of Africa Asia and Europe. Biblically Angels were here and taught man lived among men…married women had children and then came the flood to destroy their evil works..
Perhaps one approach is to think of Plato’s Atlantis story as a story based on a few facts, but then expanded into something fictitious and much greater. I believe an ancient city, or several cities, were wiped out due to catastrophic events like a tsunami or flooding. I’m sure these events could have occurred hundreds of years before Plato’s birth and the stories were passed down over generations. So if you are looking for cities buried by tsunamis, you most definitely will find at least one if not two that fit that bill.
Anything beyond that basic premise should be viewed with a discerning eye if not outright dismissed. For example, the city was buried in 9600 BC – unlikely.
I would also add, the Richat Structure is NOT an ancient city and certainly not the Atlantis as told by Plato. The area was already examined and researched and no remains were found that would support the idea that Atlantis was once located there, nor any other great city from the past.
I think possibly more interesting is to try and find the city, or cities that gave Plato his inspiration – because, again, I am sure the city that inspired Plato did in fact exist in the past. Also, the city itself would not be named Atlantis, at least not by its inhabitants. 😉