Technology 2 min read

HoloLens 2.0 Teaser Video Hints at Next-gen Abilities

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Some thought NASA leaked information on the next HoloLens model last October. But the rumors turned out to be just that — rumors. And though Microsoft did launch an AR tool (Maquette), no tangible information emerged about the HoloLens 2.0.

However, a new teaser video seems to be our first look at the next model.

A lot of Graphics for a Little Information

The 0:42 teaser video shows off some cool looking computer graphics. From melting shapes to folding wires and semi-seizure inducing letters flashing around, the teaser doesn’t give us much.

But paired with information from Alex Kipman, we know that the updated Holographic Processing Unit will be the main upgrade for the HoloLens 2.0. With that knowledge, the video hints at the processor’s enhanced ability to transform real-world objects into manipulatable polygons.

Kipman works as a Technical Fellow in Mixed Reality and AI for Microsoft. In the 15 years that he has been with Microsoft, Kipman has worked in a variety of departments including the XBOX department. Perhaps this influenced his ideas when approaching the HoloLens and incorporating the Kinect camera.

Actual Specs to Come Later This Month

Based on previous reports, we know that the HoloLens 2.0 will have a Qualcomm Snapdragon XR1 processor. It will also have more AI capabilities, as well as a Kinect-like depth camera.

The purpose behind these upgrades lies in producing improved AR and VR experiences. It also means that the HoloLens 2.0 will most likely include 5G connectivity.

All of this also points to the new model fixing issues that the original HoloLens struggled with like battery life and field of view size.

The full unveiling won’t happen until February 24th at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.

Companies in attendance include:

  • Acer Incorporated
  • Western Digital
  • Adobe
  • Verizon Media
  • And many, many more

Read More: NASA Video Shows Potential HoloLens 2 Prototype

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Juliet Childers

Content Specialist and EDGY OG with a (mostly) healthy obsession with video games. She covers Industry buzz including VR/AR, content marketing, cybersecurity, AI, and many more.

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