Technology 2 min read

Instagram Launches New Video Platform IGTV

Instagram co-founder and CEO Kevin Systrom | Photo courtesy of Instagram

Instagram co-founder and CEO Kevin Systrom | Photo courtesy of Instagram

Instagram just launched its video platform that allows content producers to upload hour-long videos.

Facebook-owned Instagram just launched its own video platform at an event in San Francisco. The new feature, dubbed as IGTV, allows users to watch long-form, vertical videos uploaded by their favorite Instagram creators and influencers.

While IGTV has a stand-alone application that can be downloaded by users, it can also be used within the Instagram app.

IGTV is different in a number of ways from how Instagram plays its videos. For instance, the app was built for how users use their phone, giving them the option to stream videos in full screen or vertical mode. Furthermore, the uploaded videos can be up to an hour long instead of just a minute.

Read more: How to Optimize Your Instagram Profile for Maximum Exposure

“We’ve made it simple, too. Just like turning on the TV, IGTV starts playing as soon as you open the app. You don’t have to search to start watching content from people you already follow on Instagram and others you might like based on your interests. You can swipe up to discover more — switch between “For You,” “Following,” “Popular” and “Continue Watching.” You can also like, comment and send videos to friends in Direct,” Instagram said in its press release statement.

Instagram video platform, IGTV
Instagram video platform, IGTV | Photo courtesy of Instagram

IGTV also has its own channels in the form of its video content creators. Meaning, you have to follow a creator to view their IGTV channel. Being a creator is not only limited to celebrities. Anyone can upload their long-form videos on IGTV once they set up their own channel.

“It’s time for video to move forward, and evolve,” Kevin Systrom,  Instagram CEO, said at the event. “IGTV is for watching long-form videos from your favorite creators.”

Systrom further said that there are no ads in IGTV today. However, it could be a “reasonable place” for the ads to end up one day since creators are bound to invest time and effort in making their content. He said that he wants to make their efforts sustainable by offering them a way to monetize in the future.

Do you believe that Youtube could be threatened with the arrival of Instagram’s video platform IGTV?

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Chelle Fuertes

Chelle is the Product Management Lead at INK. She's an experienced SEO professional as well as UX researcher and designer. She enjoys traveling and spending time anywhere near the sea with her family and friends.

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