Along with the physical barrier issues, 5G’s range is a primary concern for cellphone carriers.
There’s usually a significant loss of signal strength when users pass through any form of obstacle. It could include building materials such as brick and cement — or to a lesser extent, wood and glass.
Despite its speed advantages, the loss of signal strength and limited transmission rate could delay 5G smartphones‘ deployment. And that’s not surprising.
Users in cities might experience degraded call quality when they move from inside to outside a building. Similarly, the distance limitations require that phone users remain within a block of a transmission tower.
Besides, rain and humidity contribute to some weakening of 5G signals.
However, a solution might be within reach. In partnership with Ericsson and Casa Systems, Qualcomm has set a new 5G mmWave call distance record.
The press release from Qualcomm reads:
“Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., Casa Systems, and Ericsson today announced that the companies have successfully completed the world’s first extended-range 5G NR data call over mmWave.”
Here’s what you should know about the feat.
The World’s First Extended-Range 5G NR Data Call Over mmWave
Qualcomm reported that it completed the extended range data call in a region in Australia on June 20, 2020.
The 5G call was over a 2.36-mile separation — twice the distance it predicted when it unveiled its new antenna last year. What’s more, it was the farthest-ever connection on record, and it demonstrates mmWave technology’s range capabilities.
There’s no denying that Qualcomm’s breakthrough could enable enhanced fixed broadband services. It could also provide more opportunities to utilize 5G network infrastructure for broad coverage.
In a statement, senior director, product management, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc, Gautam Sheoran said:
“With this major milestone being the first step in utilizing mmWave for an extended-range 5G data transfer, our collaboration with Casa Systems and Ericsson is paving the way to implement fixed broadband services for broad coverage in urban, suburban and rural environments.”
Qualcomm revealed few details on the milestone. However, it stated that the record-breaking call “was achieved by applying extended-range software to commercial Ericsson hardware.”
It’s unclear whether the extended range resulted in any reduction in speed.
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