Culture 2 min read

Quote of the Week: Charles Dickens on Being Haunted by Ideas

Burhan Bunardi Xie |

Burhan Bunardi Xie |

“An idea, like a ghost, must be spoken to a little before it will explain itself.”― Charles Dickens (1812 – 1870)

Perhaps best known for his masterpiece A Tale of Two Cities capturing the unprecedented social upheaval of French Revolution, English author Charles Dickens‘ work illustrates how just one, seemingly crazy idea can fundamentally transform entire societies.

Some “Shower Thoughts” that sound fantastic in our heads prove to be less than amazing when we say them out loud.

On the other hand, some half-baked smart cookies stuck in the back of our minds because they seem too outrageous to ever come true. But, maybe a conversation is exactly what those intellectual apparitions ‘knead’.

Either way, if you never let them out of your head, you’ll never know what potential your ideas may have. The truly revolutionary ideas that provoke change and inspire innovation are the ones that sound just a little but insane, absurd, abnormal or dangerous in your head.

If an idea has been haunting you lately, hash it out with us at – we promise we won’t steal your ideas like those older kids made off with our sacks of candy, but we do promise to help you carve your ghostly ideas into a reality ready to squash the competition.

Now, stuff your face with candy. Your brain needs sugar to think.

Happy Halloween from Edgy Labs! 

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Krista Grace Morris

Krista is addicted to traveling and learning first-hand. She loves Sci-Fi, building systems, and fighting entropy.

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