Science 3 min read

Get Ready for 5G Anywhere in the World: SpaceX Begins StarLink Internet Project

Nadezda Murmakova /

Nadezda Murmakova /

SpaceX will soon be launching the first demo satellites for its global StarLink Internet Project. Elon Musk hopes to provide 5G Internet to every corner of the planet.

In 2015, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk announced his desire to launch a multibillion-dollar satellite Internet network project. According to the tech billionaire, the fledgling program, known as the StarLink Internet project, will provide “cheaper and faster broadband internet access” to people worldwide.

Read More: Meet SpaceX’s Worldwide Satellite Internet ‘StarLink’

Nearly three years after the announcement, and following the successful launch of the Falcon Heavy, the first satellites for the high-speed Internet network are now ready for launch.

The company will soon be testing its first two satellites, Microsat 2A and 2B, which are headed for low-Earth orbit aboard SpaceX’s Falcon 9.

According to documents filed by the Federal Communications Commission, the satellites were initially slated to be launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California last Sunday.

However, the Musk-owned space agency scrapped its plans on Saturday, moving it to Wednesday, February 21st.

@elonmusk's #SpaceX will launch on Wednesday, February 21st, its StarLink Internet project's first two satellites. #SpaceExplorationClick To Tweet

The StarLink Internet Project

According to SpaceX, the crew at the Vandenberg launchpad required additional time to run some final checkouts of the upgraded fairing that will be used to protect Falcon 9’s precious payload.

The StarLink Internet project is considered one of the most ambitious of Musk’s goals. To date, the largest existing low-Earth orbiting constellation is owned by Iridium, a communication’s company that is currently on its way to launch 75 Iridium Next satellites into space.

However, if SpaceX succeeds in turning StarLink into reality, the company will be putting over 4,000 satellites in orbit around Earth in the next five years. A far cry from Iridium’s 75 satellites.

The stakes are high as Musk and his space agency are on a direct collision course with some of the world’s biggest telecom and satellite manufacturing companies.

According to the FCC, around 14 million Americans residing in rural regions of the country, together with approximately 1.2 million Americans on tribal lands, currently do not have access to any broadband services.

“I have asked my colleagues to join me in supporting this application and moving to unleash the power of satellite constellations to provide high-speed internet to rural Americans,” said Pai. the current chairman of the FCC.

“If adopted, it would be the first approval given to an American-based company to provide broadband services using a new generation of low-Earth orbit satellite technologies.”

The realization of Musk’s StarLink Internet project would be a huge game changer. It would transform the current state of Internet services not just in the United States, but across the globe.

It has been reported that StarLink will offer broadband speeds similar to fiber optic networks. This would create a potential blanket connection across the electromagnetic spectrum.

SpaceX’s satellites may offer a direct-to-consumer wireless connection, a new option that will likely receive tons of blowback from current communications companies.

Once in space, the Microsat 2A and 2B satellites will help SpaceX researchers validate the design and functionality of the platform within the next 20 months. The company is targeting an instantaneous launch window at around 6 AM Pacific time on Wednesday.

Do you believe that Elon Musk’s StarLink Internet project will succeed?

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Chelle Fuertes

Chelle is the Product Management Lead at INK. She's an experienced SEO professional as well as UX researcher and designer. She enjoys traveling and spending time anywhere near the sea with her family and friends.

Comments (16)
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  1. Alexander De Ridder February 20 at 12:51 pm GMT

    Game changer. This will also enable Elon’s connected car vision. Free internet incoming for Tesla owners. /Predict

    • TazaDeCafe September 05 at 1:17 am GMT

      Do you think anyone can survive the amount of milimeter wave being transmitted and received from a driverless vehicle ? We’re talking 360 degrees transmit and receive with an antenna system that will fry the suckers in that ‘machine’

  2. Dave Lynch June 06 at 10:19 pm GMT

    I do not support the 5G system. This is a weapons system disguised as communications. The insects are disappearing as are all avian life. Sea creatures as well. Cancer rate is astronomic. I have seen only 3 birds in 5 days. This microwave bath will kill us all.
    Asbestos didn’t work out. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Just say no to 5G

  3. TazaDeCafe September 05 at 1:20 am GMT

    They hide the fact that there is a commentary section – conveniently

  4. deenie1219 November 26 at 2:48 am GMT

    It avoids the reality that microwave radiation is toxic to human cells and will induce cancer. If optic cable was used to link each house then it would not add to the already large burden caused by W-Fi and cell towers. Otherwise wireless 5G transceivers sprinkled throughout neighborhoods are a looming extreme health hazard.

  5. Nancy Hampel November 26 at 4:58 am GMT

    I completely do NOT SUPPORT NOR CONSENT to 5G or ANY internet or other types of satellites emitting emf period. 5g and wireless has shown to be totally harmful to human health. All the emfs are totally harmful to human health. I and the rest of the people have not voted nor condoned 5g satellites nor smart meters and this in violation of our basic human rights to live in a healthy and peaceful environment.

  6. Nancy Hampel November 26 at 5:08 am GMT

    How can the public voice opposition to this? Should we start a petition and send to the FCC? Thoughts?

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      Charlotte Creamer January 14 at 12:29 am GMT

      Sadly, I think it’s way past the point now of sending petitions to the FCC. What needs to be done is to prepare for the worst. Spread the info as far and wide as you can so that as many people as possible know the facts about 5G and are able to make informed decisions about how they will deal with it. Clearly, how we live our lives on Earth is about to change significantly. We need to plan for that now. Obviously, you’re free to start a petition and to submit it if it garners a sufficient number of supporters, but I think you’re wasting your time. The time for petitions is long past. It is time now to prepare to protect ourselves from this weapon.

    • Profile Image
      Ole Alstrup January 15 at 8:55 am GMT

      Spread this far and wide!

  7. Profile Image
    Lynn Longman January 28 at 2:44 pm GMT

    Just the radiation alone is enough to destroy every thing living on this one and only planet. Evenworseisthatinfacttherewillbeover20,000satellitessurroundingthewholeglobe.Thefuelburntfromeachlaunchwillfurtherdestroyourprotectiveozonelayerandscientistsbelievethisonitsownwillincreaseglobaltemperaturesby4%.THESESATELLITESONLYHAVEALIFEEXPECTANCYOFFIVEYEARS.Howlongcanweexpecttosurvivebeforewearedestroyed?????

  8. Profile Image
    Richard Alexander Willett February 08 at 3:27 pm GMT

    Great job son, put us all in a microwave oven and cook us.

  9. Profile Image
    Gabriel Alejandro Zorrilla March 06 at 2:24 pm GMT

    Oh well, for those who say 5G will cook us all, lets remind you the people who are making this live in the same planet as we do, so…

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