Marketing 3 min read

5 Reasons why your Brand Should use Pinterest

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For any brand,  popular social networks like Facebook can prepresent key advertising platforms, and others like Instagram and Twitter are optimal for outreach and user engagement.

But there is another established platform that has received enormous attention from users but little attention from brands: Pinterest.

What are you missing by not having a presence on Pinterest? Here are our top 5 reasons why your brand should be pinning:

1. People use Pinterest to Decide what to Buy

An estimated 87 percent of Pinterest users have made a purchasing decision because of Pinterest. An additional 93 percent of users have used the site in planning for future purchases.

Pinterest has also created Buyable Pins for retailers, which is a free set-up service that allows brands to generate direct sales from the site.

2. Higher Order Value than Facebook

Although the site shows lower conversion rates from referrals when compared to Facebook, Pinterest boasts marginally higher dollar values for orders. Shopify reported that the average order value from Pinterest referral traffic is $58.95, while Facebook’s is $55.

3. Pinterest Users are Active

There are currently 110 million active monthly users with over 50 billion pins. It seems that Pinterest has a growing active user base that, on average, spends more time per month on the site than on others like Linkedin and Twitter.

Per month, users spend an average of 98 minutes Pinterest. According to the New York Times, users spend an average of 60 minutes per month Linkedin, while users spend an average of 30 minutes on Twitter.

4. Reach Female Buyers

Females represent 71% of Pinterest users, and 34 percent of all users are below the age of 29. If your product or service is geared toward female buyers, Pinterest is the perfect platform for your brand to reach out directly to your target demographic and build an active following.

5. Keen to Connect with Brands

Pinterest is a highly visual platform whose infrastructure encourages sharing with others via pinning. This makes it extremely simple for users to pin favorite items, and to follow pins both from other users and brands.

Pinterest users are also more open to brand engagement. Since most Pinterest users rely on the site for product research, they are more receptive to outreach and ideas from brands. In comparison, users don’t necessarily access other platforms like Facebook and Twitter with the intention of buying, making advertising and brand outreach a secondary concern when spending time on these sites.

Start Putting pin to pay per

While conversion rates for referrals are lower than other platforms, Pinterest still offers an easy-to-access but non-intrusive way for brands to engage with receptive users that are willing to spend a little bit more. The site also provides predominately visual platform that lets brands really show potential buyers their products in action.

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