Whether you’re looking for one or four Amazon Echo Dots, this rare one day only sale is the lowest price we’ve seen.
Normally $49.99 USD and from some places even $69.99 USD, this Amazon Echo Dot one day only sale offers the smart speaker for $39.99 until 12:00PM ET today.
This is a marked improvement over another deal that is going on right now: buy at least three Amazon Echo Dots and get $20.00 USD off of the purchase.
This sale matches the Black Friday sale from last year and is a good way to get your home AI-enabled for less than it costs to buy a lunch for two.
Amazon Echo Dot One Day only Sale $39.99 USD.Click To TweetWhat are AI-enabled Speakers all About?
If you’re looking to learn more about smart speakers like the Amazon Echo Dot, here are a few links to get you started:
Google Home, despite being susceptible to hack by Burger King, is the leading competitor for Amazon.
Apple hasn’t released a Siri-enabled home speaker just yet, but we did share earlier this year that it is in their plans to do just that. No details on price or functionality yet, but you can be sure Apple will come to the market with a bang.
Lenovo is also designing its own AI assistant speaker, which you can check out here.
You should also be aware that the use of these devices actively contributes useful personal data to these different companies’ machine learning platforms. You may be wary of having your personal information stored somewhere for a robot to learn from, but this is the way things will have to be done to help AI evolve.
In the future, we’ll do our best to share deals like this one that we think are worthwhile. If there are any deals you’d like us to know about, email us here.
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