Culture 2 min read

Elon Musk Officially Breaks with AI Group OpenAI

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Visionary billionaire Elon Musk just revealed in a series of tweets that he’s no longer connected with the non-profit research organization OpenAI. According to Musk, he has not been involved with the AI group for over a year now.

Just recently, OpenAI made headlines after claiming that its AI text generator could allegedly write disturbingly coherent fake news articles using a few bits of information.

Apparently, Musk had left the research organization in February of last year. In a blog post welcoming new donors that month, OpenAI mentioned Musk’s departure saying:

“Additionally, Elon Musk will depart the OpenAI Board but will continue to donate and advise the organization. As Tesla continues to become more focused on AI, this will eliminate a potential future conflict for Elon.”

Leaving The AI Group He Helped Establish

Following OpenAI’s announcement to not publish the research study on its GPT2 technology for fear that it would be used to spread fake news, Musk clarified that he’s not involved with the project, or any of OpenAI’s works for that matter.

“I had to focus on solving a painfully large number of engineering & manufacturing problems at Tesla (especially) & SpaceX,” Musk tweeted Sunday.

“Also, Tesla was competing for some of same people as OpenAI & I didn’t agree with some of what OpenAI team wanted to do. Add that all up & it was just better to part ways on good terms.”

While Musk worked with OpenAI from as early as 2016, he is also among the most prominent critics of artificial intelligence. In a speaking engagement conducted at MIT in 2014, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO called AI as an existential threat to humankind. Regardless of Musk’s involvement in the company, they are still striving to create an AI capable of creating seamless text and long-form articles.

Read More: OpenAI’s Text Generator Could Fuel Future Fake News Fire

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Chelle Fuertes

Chelle is the Product Management Lead at INK. She's an experienced SEO professional as well as UX researcher and designer. She enjoys traveling and spending time anywhere near the sea with her family and friends.

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    Jennifer Morgan May 07 at 7:39 pm GMT

    Good thing to end AI…defective still.

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