Technology 2 min read

Elon Musk Confirms Opening Date for the First Hyperloop Tunnel

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andrey_l /

Elon Musk confirms that the first Hyperloop tunnel is almost done and is opening before the year ends.

These past years, Twitter has become Elon Musk‘s ‘unofficial’ medium of announcement when it comes to updating the public about his big projects. Now that the first Hyperloop tunnel is almost done, there is no better way for Musk to announce its opening but through tweets.

On Monday, the billionaire tech visionary tweeted that the first tunnel that they’ve been digging below Los Angeles is almost complete. “The first tunnel is almost done,” Musk tweets, followed by another one stating its opening date to be December 10.

While there is no year indicated in the tweet, many assume that the tunnel opening will happen before the end of this year. It should be remembered that back in May, Musk announced through a now-deleted Instagram post the L.A. tunnel was “almost done.”

“First Boring Company tunnel under LA almost done! Pending final regulatory approvals, we will be offering free rides to the public in a few months. Super huge thanks to everyone that helped with this project. Strong support from public, elected officials & regulators is critical to success,” the tech CEO wrote in his now-deleted post.

Don’t be confused though. The first Hyperloop tunnel in L.A. will only serve as The Boring Company‘s test tunnel. On his Instagram May post, Musk said the tunnel will be opened to take residents of L.A. from downtown L.A. to the Los Angeles International Airport in just 8 minutes. That’s about 22 to 32 minutes less than the usual drive from L.A. to LAX that will initially cost $1 USD per ride.

The Hyperloop project began with a single tweet Musk made back in 2016 where he ranted about the L.A. traffic situation. No one took him seriously until he tweeted an announcement in January 2017 that the alleged “digging” will begin in a month or so. The rest is now history.

In what parts of the United States do you think an underground Hyperloop tunnel is badly needed?

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Chelle Fuertes

Chelle is the Product Management Lead at INK. She's an experienced SEO professional as well as UX researcher and designer. She enjoys traveling and spending time anywhere near the sea with her family and friends.

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