Marketing 3 min read

Facebook Reveals new Data Privacy Tool Following Latest Scandal

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Following the worldwide outcry over the Camridge Analytica fiasco, Facebook launches a new data privacy tool to appease its users.

On Wednesday, Facebook unveiled a new data privacy tool that will allow users to see, manage, and even delete user data that the social media giant has collected.

According to a public post made by the company’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook will make it easier for people to access the privacy settings of the app. The tech billionaire also cited that they are planning to add a tool that will remove older applications no longer in use (like any of the “Which GoT Character are you?” quizzes).

Read More: Mark Zuckerberg: “we don’t deserve to serve you”

“A lot of you are asking how to control what information you share on Facebook, who has access to it, and how to remove it. We recently put all your privacy and security settings in one place called Privacy Shortcuts to make it easier to use,” Zuckerberg wrote.

“We’re going to put this in front of everyone over the next few weeks. We’re also going to put a tool with all the platform apps you’ve signed into in at the top of your News Feed so you can easily remove any apps you no longer use.”

A lot of you are asking how to control what information you share on Facebook, who has access to it, and how to remove…

Mark Zuckerberg 发布于 2018年3月28日周三

The new data privacy tool was introduced in the days following the breach of trust scandal involving Facebook and the political data analyst firm Cambridge Analytica.

Apparently, Cambridge Analytica was able to collect the data of more than 50 million Facebook users and use it to boost the election campaign of then-U.S.-presidential-candidate Donald Trump.

The revelation prompted upset users to launch the #DeleteFacebook Twitter campaign which calls on FB users to abandon the social media network.

Read More: Anti-Facebook Twitter Campaign Urges Users to Delete Their FB Accounts

In a report from the Independent, the new tool, dubbed Access Your Information, will give people the option to delete data selectively or delete their whole account at once.

“Some people want to delete things they’ve shared in the past, while others are just curious about the information Facebook has,” says Independent, quoting Facebook.

“So we’re introducing Access Your Information – a secure way for people to access and manage their information, such as posts, reactions, comments, and things you’ve searched for. You can go here to delete anything from your timeline or profile that you no longer want on Facebook.”

Aside from the new settings, Facebook also said that it’s creating a new privacy shortcut menu that will let users secure their accounts and manipulate their personal data easily. Furthermore, users could first download all the information they shared on Facebook like photos, contacts, and posts before deleting their accounts.

Do you believe that the new data privacy tool is enough for people to trust Facebook once again?

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Chelle Fuertes

Chelle is the Product Management Lead at INK. She's an experienced SEO professional as well as UX researcher and designer. She enjoys traveling and spending time anywhere near the sea with her family and friends.

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