Technology 2 min read

Google Finally Opens its First AI Center in Africa

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Google is expanding its artificial intelligence research to Africa by opening the company’s first AI center on the continent. To date, Google has already established its AI research facilities across three continents and in cities like Zurich, Tokyo, Paris, and New York.

Last week, the tech giant opened another center in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. The move is part of Google’s mission to be an AI first company and to take on “Africa’s challenges”. Moustapha Cisse, Google’s head of AI Accra told The Associated Press:

“Africa has many challenges where the use of AI could be beneficial, sometimes even more than in other places.”

The opening of AI Accra was initially announced last year. Back then, Google said that it had witnessed the growing interest of people in artificial intelligence across the continent. Google said in a statement:

“We’ve seen people across Africa do amazing things with the internet and technology—for themselves, their communities and the world. Over the past 10 years in which Google has had offices in Africa, we’ve been excited to be a part of that transformation.

Ultimately 10 million Africans will benefit from our digital skills training program with 2 million people having already completed the course, and we’re supporting 100,000 developers and over 60 tech startups through our Launchpad Accelerator Africa.”

AI Center in Africa

Cisse noted that he and his team’s goal is to help developers build products that could potentially solve the problems faced by Africa in many sectors like education, health, and agriculture. As an example of the products Cisse wants to develop, he cited an app used by a Tanzanian farmer that could be used to diagnose cassava diseases. He said:

“When we do science, the results of our research, usually and hopefully, because it is of good quality, goes way further than we expect and we are hoping to see the same things happen here in Accra and across Africa.”

The AI center will house scientists and software engineers from nine countries like Ireland, Uganda, and Lesotho.

Read more: Google Launches AI Platform For End-To-End Model Development

First AI Web Content Optimization Platform Just for Writers

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Chelle Fuertes

Chelle is the Product Management Lead at INK. She's an experienced SEO professional as well as UX researcher and designer. She enjoys traveling and spending time anywhere near the sea with her family and friends.

Comments (3)
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  1. Profile Image
    William Riley April 16 at 6:43 am GMT

    Delighted to read that Google has recently opened its first AI centre in Ghana with the purpose of promoting AI growth and use on the continent and to expand its artificial intelligence research to Africa.

  2. Profile Image
    Isaac Hesson April 17 at 2:43 am GMT

    AI isn’t always bad news. Automation has always ended up creating more jobs than it destroys.

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    Jenkins Cooper January 13 at 3:46 am GMT


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