Technology 2 min read

LinkedIn Just Made Writing Your Resume Super Easy

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Sirirat |

Microsoft is leveraging the power of AI and LinkedIn’s data to help you write the perfect resume with Word.

Microsoft and LinkedIn have rolled out Resume Assistant, a new tool they believe will assist you with one of the most important parts of your job hunting process: creating and/or editing your resume.

The idea behind Resume Assistant was to create an easy-to-use resource that helps job seekers compile their skills and experiences and translate them into a resume. Sometimes job seekers don’t always understand the common terms that describe their skills, but the Resume Assistant does.

Microsoft does this by using artificial intelligence to pull relevant data from LinkedIn on the skills and responsibilities other people who have worked or are working in similar roles have described on their profiles. You can then take a cue from this to create your own.

“we’re bringing the power of LinkedIn into Microsoft Word with the launch of Resume Assistant. With this integration, you’ll get the inspiration and resources to craft a compelling resume directly within Microsoft Word,” LinkedIn wrote in a blog post.

Microsoft's Resume Assistant will help you create the perfect resume.Click To Tweet

In addition to being able to create the perfect resume, you can also see relevant job listings from LinkedIn directly on Resume Assistant.

You can also turn on Open Candidates, LinkedIn’s feature that allows to you tell recruiting you’re open to a new job without alert your present employers directly within Word.

For now, Resume Assistant is only available in English to subscribers of Office Insiders program. It’ll be first available in the United States, the UK, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, and New Zealand. Microsoft plans to bring it to more platforms and markets during the coming months.

What are your thoughts on Microsoft’s latest tool? Will you end up using it to help craft your resume?

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