Technology 3 min read

Instant Apps Could Revolutionize Augmented Reality

Mitchell Luo /

Mitchell Luo /

In May of 2016, Google announced its plans to roll out a way to make applications instantly accessible through their Android OS. Instant Apps could totally change how we use AR technology, and Edgy Labs feels strongly that they will.

Android Instant Apps claims to enable apps that launch without the need for installation or even having to search for it in the store. Imagine logging onto a store where purchases are made via a smartphone app, and your phone already has the app when you click the link to the item you want to buy.

Android Instant Apps claims to enable apps that launch without the need for installation or even having to search for it in the store.Click To Tweet

That’s the future that Google wants for its consumers, and the implications that it has for business could put the Android OS in a very strong position in coming years.

The idea is not without its detractors, however. Some critics think that because the technology requires third-party participation it could be a good idea that goes dead in the water.

Skepticism About Instant Apps

According to Alex Austin of Branch Metrics, the impact of Instant Apps will be limited to the number of companies that adopt the technology. Ultimately, that means that Instant Apps could be left in the digital dust if it doesn’t catch on fast enough.

Many businesses have a relatively small amount of traffic on their apps as compared to the foot traffic that they get in their brick-and-mortar locations. The kind of people that use apps to shop are usually pretty tech-smart, and they represent a small percentage of overall consumers.

Instant Apps promises to change consumer traffic. That makes for an app experience flooded with new users. Critics point out that the current infrastructure that supports those apps could crumble under the new pressure.

Additionally, marketing teams have struggled to incorporate native apps into their daily business. Instant Apps could change the foundation of how they gather mobile analytics, making it harder for them to get accurate data. For example, the price of improving the user experience is a cost that many will not want to pay.

For that matter, it could also give marketers a whole new platform to keep up with. This could drive down their performance, making it simple to choose not to include Instant Apps in their plans.

Opening Doors for AR Apps

Instant Apps shines when it comes to integrating AR into daily lives. Imagine never having to download a parking app again, or instantly having the app for the new pizza place that just opened down the road.

Even better, imagine physical objects having their own AR experience. Instant Apps could enable an Android streaming device to stream the world around you. You could have bowling pins that send detailed stats for your league straight to your smartphone or a pitcher of beer that automatically orders a replacement when needed.

“imagine a pitcher of beer that automatically orders a replacement when needed.”

It’s an interesting direction for Google to take, and the potential impact could bring us the holy grail of the Internet of Things: digital connectivity with the world around us.

Edgy Labs is confident the platform will be simple to implement for businesses and marketers alike. Soon, we will see the true potential of Android Instant Apps unfold.

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William McKinney

William is an English teacher, a card carrying nerd, And he may run for president in 2020. #truefact #voteforedgy

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