Marketing 2 min read

LinkedIn Stories Feature to Roll out in the Coming Months

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LinkedIn Stories is currently undergoing internal testing. And the company has confirmed that the feature would roll out to the public in the coming months.

Like other social media platforms, LinkedIn focuses primarily on communication.

It allows users to create a message or post to get opinions from other members in their network. Similarly, LinkedIn is an excellent place for making introductions and getting feedback on your idea.

Thanks to features like Live Video, Trending News, Newsletters, and Reactions, LinkedIn is enjoying a 25 percent year-over-year increase in engagement.

The social networking site for professionals LinkedIn is testing a new feature to enhance the communication within the platform.

In a blog post announcement, head of content products at LinkedIn, Pete Davies said:

“So, we’re currently testing LinkedIn Stories internally, and we can’t wait to test it with our members in the coming months. We’ve learned so much already about the unique possibilities of Stories in a professional context.”

So, why is the social platform adding a Stories feature?

Using LinkedIn Stories In a Professional Context

Stories have become very popular today, with Instagram Stories getting over 500 million daily viewers. According to Instagram research, it has become the ideal place to keep up with friends and family.

Unlike the regular feed, Stories seem to provide a more real-time update of events. Also, Viewers can use various interactive features, such as polls.

For these reasons and more, Facebook advertisers have been shifting ad spend to Instagram Stories recently.

But, Davies says that LinkedIn Stories can also be a great way to share key moments from work events.

Besides, people are showing less interest in starting conversations via items in a feed. Instead, they now prefer the full-screen narrative style that Stories provides.

I’m excited to see how Stories will bring creativity and authenticity to the ways that members share more of their work life,” says Davies. “So that they can build and nurture the relationships necessary to become more productive and successful.”

Read More: Here’s how to Optimize AMP Stories for Search Engine

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Sumbo Bello

Sumbo Bello is a creative writer who enjoys creating data-driven content for news sites. In his spare time, he plays basketball and listens to Coldplay.

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