Technology 2 min read

Microsoft to Take on AirPods with Surface Buds

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In recent times, Microsoft has been exploring its application of the Surface branding.

It started with the Surface Pro tablets but grew to include a new line of laptops. Last year, the company took it a step further and introduced Surface-branded headphones.

Now, multiple sources claim that the tech company is currently working on a pair of earbuds under the codename Morrison.

That’s right: these are new Surface Buds to take on Apple’s AirPods

Critics loved the surface headphones when they launched in October. With its critical success came a need to expand its audio tech portfolio. Now that it has conquered the over-ear category, the in-ear is next.

Releasing the Surface Buds in A Saturated Market

This isn’t Microsoft’s first rodeo in the earbud segments. Several years ago, before the Surface line’s existence, the company sold a pair of earbuds with its Zune music players. But those came with wires.

The wireless earbud is a growing segment of the audio tech industry, and Apple has been the market leader for a while now. Samsung has the less pricey Galaxy Buds. And, if the rumors are anything to go by, Amazon may be joining the party soon.

That means Microsoft would be releasing the Surface Buds into a saturated market. But, that has never stopped them in the past.

So, how will these new earbuds stand out in terms of features?

The details are still a bit hazy at the moment. However, based on Surface Headphones, we can expect noise cancellation, Cortana integration, and at least 15 hours of music playback. Also, there should be an improved interaction between your phone and the earbuds.

The Codename Morrison is reportedly a reference to Jim Morrison, the lead singer of the Doors, who many consider a classic American rock star. While the name Surface Buds is tossed around online, it has not been confirmed as the retail name.

Another thing Microsoft is yet to confirm is the release date. As you know, project timelines are not fixed, and products get canceled.

Although a 2019 release seems likely, it is not guaranteed.

Read More: AirPods 2: Why Apple Can’t Learn From Their Own Mistakes

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Sumbo Bello

Sumbo Bello is a creative writer who enjoys creating data-driven content for news sites. In his spare time, he plays basketball and listens to Coldplay.

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