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VR Collaborative Art is Now Possible Through MasterpieceVR Premium

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While creating artworks through virtual reality is nothing new, a startup company just upped its game by allowing multiple users to make collaborative art in VR.

Yesterday, MasterpieceVR (MPVR) launched its premium edition which allows up to four users to create a VR collaborative art in either 3D sculpting or painting. Apparently, MasterpieceVR will directly compete with other existing art-based virtual reality programs such as Google Tilt Brush and Oculus Medium.

#MasterpieceVR now allows up to 4 artists to create VR collaborative art in real time!Click To Tweet

For the past year, MasterpieceVR has been busy improving its program and is now considered as one of the most robust art creation toolsets and artist communities in the world. It already made appearances in Magik Gallery debut exhibition, Art VR, and AWE. In a post published by the MPVR team on their blog, they said:

“At MasterpieceVR, our goal has always been to create innovative, intuitive technology that simplifies the creation of 3D content and expands the artist’s workflow. Today, we’re excited to share the premium version of MasterpieceVR, which includes a host of exciting new announcements, including a groundbreaking “first” for the VR industry.”

VR Collaborative Art and other MPVR Premium Features

Perhaps the most outstanding feature of the MasterpieceVR premium is its collaborative feature which allows users to create VR collaborative art, with anyone, anywhere, and in real time.

“From the beginning, we knew that we could use VR to help creative individuals and professional artists make high-quality 3D art more quickly and easily,” Jon Gagne, MasterpieceVR CEO said. “This is a completely revamped product that’s significantly more powerful than before.”

“We believe in building a community of creators—and how better to do that than with a virtual sandbox?” ~ MPVR

The new MPVR will allow up to four people to work on the same project in real time. Initially, its collaborative functionality only allows up to 2 people to sculpt at once. Now, it can be a party of artists-four artists can paint and sculpt together simultaneously!

“We’re the only 3D sculpting and painting application to supports full collaboration to edit the same content together in real time,” Gagne went on to say. “It’s a virtual sandbox for friends or production teams to use. Creators can work together on a project, exchange ideas, give real-time feedback or teach a 3D modeling class in virtual reality.”

What’s more interesting is that the MPVR hangout is not only exclusive to its creators. For people who are interested in the social aspect or want to learn from professionals, they can join in as spectators. The spectator mode allows up to twenty people to watch at a given time.

On the other hand, artists or creators who want to boost their online presence can push their broadcast across major social media networks such as Youtube, Facebook, and Twitch. This feature makes its possible for creators to broaden their fan base and engage with more people.

Also, MPVR is said to be the very first platform to support volumetric sculpting and ribbon painting according to VRScout. Vladimir Ilic, a 3D Industrial Designer and VR Art Director, said in a statement:

“I really like the bold approach of fusing painting with sculpting inside the same workspace. Having access to both inside the same app makes you think differently about your process and generates new ideas.”

MasterpieceVR also assured its users that the VR collaborative art and other functionalities are compatible with HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Windows headsets.

“Our hope with MasterpieceVR is that it awakens in users a new level of creativity,” Gagne said. “Plus, it’s just ridiculously fun, colorful, immersive and allows you to freely explore your creative potential.”

According to the MPVR team, it will only take an artist 3 hours of practice in MasterpieceVR “to create a 3D model up to 7 times faster than a professional with years of experience using traditional 3D modeling application.”

“The program is laser-focused on giving you the core tools and a clean interface which allows you to jump into VR sculpting immediately,” said Jon Payne, a professional digital and traditional artist.

Currently, the MasterpieceVR premium suite has over 20 tools which include Add, Erase, Shrink, Bulge, Smooth, Pinch, Copy, Paste, and many more-all designed to improve any artist’s creative process.

“I think MasterpieceVR is a really special piece of software.” -Jon Payne

Were you impressed by the VR collaborative art feature of the MasterpieceVR premium? Let us know in the comment section below!

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Chelle Fuertes

Chelle is the Product Management Lead at INK. She's an experienced SEO professional as well as UX researcher and designer. She enjoys traveling and spending time anywhere near the sea with her family and friends.

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