Marketing 4 min read

Here's the Best Time to Post on Instagram

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When is the best time to post on Instagram? Read on to find out.

At first, it was easy to gain exposure on Instagram. You could just post at any time, throw in a bunch of hashtags and watch the likes pour in.

This was because posts were shown to users in a chronological order so it was just a matter of waiting for your turn to be seen.

This changed in 2016 when Instagram rolled out a new algorithm to rearrange users’ feed. According to Instagram, posts are now rearranged to show users what it thinks they like to see.

Now marketers have to work put in extra effort to gain more exposure on Instagram. This has led to the question every marketer who uses Instagram is asking:

What is the best time to post on Instagram?

A lot of marketers and companies have weighed in. One of them is HubSpot.

Best time to post according to HubSpot

According to an infographic published by HubSpot in 2016, the best times to publish on Instagram was 2 am, 8-9 am and 5 pm on Mondays and Thursdays, for both CST and EST.

They also stated that posting videos at 9 pm CST or EST gets 34% more interactions and also that posting between 3-4 pm CST or EST is a bad idea.

Coming from HubSpot, one would think this is foolproof.

#HubSpot may be wrong about the best time to post on InstagramClick To Tweet

However, HubSpot’s suggestion may not be the best time to post on Instagram for you.

To find the best time to post on your Instagram profile, you’ll need to do a little research yourself–using nothing but your Instagram app.

How to Find the Best Time to Post on your Instagram

Every audience is different. They are from varying time zones and are active at different times.

It is important that you find for yourself when your audience is most active on Instagram. This will be the best time to post on your account.

This can be done in very few steps using Instagram’s analytics feature called Insights.

How to Find the Best Time to Post on Instagram Click To Tweet

To enable this feature, you must first switch your Instagram account from Personal to Business if you haven’t done so already.

Insights is not available on personal accounts. Only business accounts.

Instagram Insights will show you the demographics of your audience. At a glance, you’ll see what percentage of your audience are men or women and their location. You can also view their location by city or country.

Instagram Insights

This information, especially location, is incredibly useful in determining the best time to post. When you know the location of your audience, you know the time zones they are in.

Time zones are important to consider because 9 PM for you may be 5 AM for another person. While you may be posting to your audience at 7 PM your time, it may be 3 AM their time. This means they may be sleeping and are less likely to see your post.

Instagram Insights will also show you both the days and times your audience is most active. These are the best times to post on your Instagram account.

Instagram Insights

By combining the time zones of your audience and the times they are most active, you can easily come up with multiple optimal times to post on your Instagram account.

Depending on your audience, you’ll find that you can post once and get maximum reach or you may have to post multiple times to reach most of your audience.

Do you have additional tips on how to find the best times to post on Instagram? Share with us.

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