Technology 3 min read

Code-Mixing and Bilingual Speakers Will Drive Microsoft AI Personal Assistant Tech

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RoSonic |

Here at Edgy Labs, we’re deeply committed to following the development of AI and informing our readers of breakout technologies. Here, we cover Microsoft’s newest approaches to AI integration.

Overall, AI is an intensely competitive field that relies deeply on not only scientific research but market reach as well. With Apple, Google, IBM, and Amazon, all intensely focused on deep learning powered AI, how does Microsoft plan to keep up? In short, code-mixing.

Microsoft and AI Until Now

As we discussed earlier this year, the potential of DeepMind‘s Wavenet AI greatly humanized speech patterns present in rigid existing AI software.

In response, Microsoft was quick to acquire Maluuba (a startup whose AI is believed to outperform that same Wavenet technology).

Moreover, following Apple’s release of their deep learning neural network research that fuels the Siri AI, Microsoft received a windfall of information for the improvement of their own machines.

These partnerships and systems of open information are, overall, bringing AI closer to understanding and contextualizing aspects of human language on an “intuitive” level.

Microsoft’s AI Personal Assistant Philosophy & Research Focus: Code-mixing

In an interview with CNBC Sundar Srinivasan, a general manager of one of the AI divisions at Microsoft, attested:

Microsoft’s philosophy is that virtual assistants should not be too intrusive on a user’s space and time, and only show up when they need to.”

'A personal assistant is only as effective as you want her to be,' -Microsoft.Click To Tweet

When it comes to research developments, Microsoft is choosing to further embrace the digital globalization phenomenon by studying language habits of bilingual users. Because bilinguals and multilinguals often practice code-switching (sometimes called code-mixing) they’re one of the best groups to observe in order to gain insight on global language pattern phenomena.

Microsoft’s AI Reach

As announced by Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella in his keynote speech:

  • Cortana, Microsoft’s digital assistant, which is built into Windows 10, is used by 140 million people every month.
  • Office 365 has more than 100 million monthly commercial active users.
  • Microsoft’s cloud is used by more than 90 percent of the Fortune 500.
ai personal assistant
AI personal assistant Cortana-enabled Invoke by Harman/Kardon |

Also, in order to fend off Alexa and Google Home, Microsoft signed a partnership with Harman/Kardon and announced its first smart home speaker featuring AI personal assistant Cortana – Invoke. In addition, Microsoft has partnered with HP and Intel to develop future hardware and technical blueprints for Cortana.

Moreover, as Edgy Labs previously discussed: because Microsoft’s Cortana AI interfaces directly with Windows 10, it may soon exist everywhere that Siri isn’t. Because Cortana handles the Windows search function and boasts an intelligent text analyzer that improves voice to text efficiency, this AI is certainly one to watch closely.

Do you think Cortana will outpace Siri as an AI personal assistant? What traits are most important in an AI?: Personality? Functionality? Something else?

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