Technology 3 min read

Google Confirms its New OS Will be Called Android 10

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Google has just announced that Android Q will be called Android 10, ditching its dessert-naming scheme.

After releasing the final beta of Android Q earlier in the month, Google has stated that the public release is coming this quarter. And the company is merely calling it Android 10

With the new update, not only is the Google leaving the old naming scheme behind, but its set to upgrade the brand too. Moving forward, the word “Android” will be followed by a number – for example, Android 10, Android 11, Android 12, and so on.

So, why did Google decide to drop its previous naming scheme?

With 2.5 billion active Android users across the globe, Google needed a name that’s not only universally known, but that people can understand too. The confectionery and pastry names don’t seem to meet that requirement.

Now, the Android maker opting for a number and universal scheme that’s similar to Windows, iOS, and Chrome. Besides, “Android 10” is just shorter and cleaner.

With the name change comes a couple of refinements. Here are some exciting features in Google’s latest mobile OS.

5 Exciting Android 10 Features You Should Know

1. Undo App Removal

If you’ve ever mistakenly removed an app from your home screen only to start wondering which app was there, this feature is for you.

On Android 10, an “Undo” icon pops up immediately your remove and app. Tap on the icon, and the app is right back where it belongs.

2. Wifi and QR Codes

Android 10 has made it unnecessary to share your wifi password with your friends. Instead, you can create a QR code or scan one to join a wifi network.

You’ll find the feature in your phone’s wifi settings. Select “Home Network,” and tap the Share button with a small QR code icon above it.

3. Live Caption

The live caption is an accessibility feature that provides a live caption for any video you’re playing. Now the exciting thing about this feature is, you don’t need a data connection to make it work.

4. Bubbles

Do you remember Facebook Messenger‘s chat heads feature? Well, now it’s on Android.

But, instead of a mere chat head, Google developed the floating bubble as a form of a notification system. So, no matter where you are or what you’re doing with your phone, you can always tap the bubble to access more options.

5. Location Control

With the current Android version, users will either have access to their location all the time or not at all. But, that’s about to change.

Android 10 offers the option of letting applications access your information only while you’re actively using them. Aside from saving you a lot of battery, this feature also ensures your privacy.

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Sumbo Bello

Sumbo Bello is a creative writer who enjoys creating data-driven content for news sites. In his spare time, he plays basketball and listens to Coldplay.

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