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India Announces Weapons Development for Space Warfare

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WikiImages / Pixabay

On Tuesday, India announced that it intends to develop a new weapons system for space warfare.

According to Business Standard, the Indian government has approved plans to set up a new research agency called the Defense Space Research Agency. As the name implies, it’ll be in charge of developing advanced weapon systems and technologies for combat in outer space.

With this new move, the government has shown its commitment to establishing India’s militarized interest in space.

In a statement to ANI, sources in the Defense Ministry said:

“The Cabinet Committee on Security headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has cleared the setting up of this new agency called the Defence Space Research Agency (DSRO) which has been entrusted with the task of creating space warfare weapon systems and technologies.”

India’s Defense Space Agency and Space Warfare

Some time ago, top-level officials of the Indian government decided to start the Defense Space Agency – a military branch that exists specifically for space warfare. Now under the leadership of a Joint Secretary-level scientist, the agency has begun taking shape.

It now has a group of scientists and engineers working in coordination with the trig-services integrated defense staff officers. That means, the researchers would formally report their developments to the Defense Space Agency.

Earlier in the year, India showed-off its ability to shoot down satellites in space with its Anti Satellite Test.

Aside from joining the elite club of four countries with such capabilities, the missile test also served as a form of deterrence. Adversaries that may want to attack Indian satellite to cripple the country’s system would think twice before acting, said Business Standard.

The Indian government is setting up the Defense Space Agency in Bengaluru. According to reports, the agency will be under the command of an Air Vice Marshal officer.

As the Defense Space Agency takes off, it should assume control of the space-related capabilities of the other three forces.

Alongside creating an agency for space warfare, the Modi government has also set up a Special Operations Division (SOD). The new division exists to attend to the needs for special operations required within and outside the country.

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Sumbo Bello

Sumbo Bello is a creative writer who enjoys creating data-driven content for news sites. In his spare time, he plays basketball and listens to Coldplay.

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