Technology 3 min read

Body Temperature Regulating Wristband Could end 'Women's Winter'

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The latest Apple Watch might be a healthcare device, but here’s one thing it doesn’t do: help regulate your body temperature. The Embr Wave does just that.

Some people run hot. Others run cold. But everyone with an office job can attest to their building being ice boxes. Beyond that, science helped prove that average office temperatures are too cold for most female employees.

Could this watch help until we can find a professional homeostasis?

Manipulate Body Temp With this Wearable TechClick To Tweet

Skewed Data & Differing Dress Codes

How could females be predisposed to be less comfortable in ice-cold offices? Simple: the ideal office temperature is based on the data from a 154-pound, 40-year-old man from a formula divined in the 1960s.

Dr. Devi Nampiaparampil of NYU School of Medicine spoke with TODAY about the subject. “Women tend to have lower basal metabolic rates, so they tend to burn off energy a lot slower’. They actually give off less heat than men, so they tend to be colder.” Many women also wear skirts in the workplace whereas men may wear long-sleeved shirts or even full suits.

College Humor provided a decently succinct parody of the situation in which many women find themselves.

With this “hot” new wristband from Kickstarter, Women’s Winter may never come again.

Meet the Embr Wave, a wearable device that can, essentially, make you feel warmer.

Cool Down or Warm up With the Embr Wave

A little bigger than an Apple watch, this gizmo claims to regulate your body’s temperature. Spearheaded by Cambridge based startup Embr Labs, the MSRP for the device is $299 USD.

Of course, early adopters on Kickstarter can get it for just $219 USD. As of September 21st, the project had more than 1,500 different supporters. The startup expects to deliver its first round of products to customers by February 2018.

But is it worth picking up? How does it even work?

The set of MIT trained scientists claims that the device uses your own body’s neurological signals to manipulate your perception of your body’s core temperature.

The Embr Wave promises instant relief by directly warming or cooling skin on your wrist. Due to the temperature sensitivity, it can replicate neurological signals of hot and cold and your body will respond.

Sam Shames, Embr Labs CEO and co-founder, says that this device has been shown to increase work productivity. The device first broke onto the tech scene four years ago as a school competition winner. Fun fact: it was originally known as “Wristify”.

Wearable Biotech: Good or Bad?

Google and Apple both want to push the boundaries of wearable tech. From Google Glass to VR to Apple’s partnership with Cochlear Limited, biotech is the next frontier. That frontier is healthcare 4.0.

How could companies solve medical quandaries with wearable tech like the Embr Wave? Are there any “Women’s Winter” sufferers in our readership? Let us know!

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Juliet Childers

Content Specialist and EDGY OG with a (mostly) healthy obsession with video games. She covers Industry buzz including VR/AR, content marketing, cybersecurity, AI, and many more.

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