Technology 2 min read

Samsung Leak Reveals New Wearable Device Lineup

Samsung's new wearables release has tech fans buzzing. | Sushiman /

Samsung's new wearables release has tech fans buzzing. | Sushiman /

Apps update in the Apple store and the Google Play store all the time with no news coverage. But, the latest Galaxy Wearable (or Samsung Gear) app update has outlets buzzing already.

New images on the app page seem to suggest a new line of Samsung wearable device options.

image of the potential Samsung Wearable devices lineup for article Samsung Leaks Reveal new Wearable Device Lineup
You can see glimpses of what the Samsung wearables will look like on the Google Play page. | Google Pl

What’s in the “Leaked” Wearable Device Lineup?

Whether by accident or on purpose, the app update revealed the images above. In it, you can see new Galaxy Watch models, but also a few new wearable device options including earbuds.

There’s also a fitness band similar to the latest Fitbit models, as well.

According to SamCentralTech which first noted the leak, Samsung will likely fully announce the lineup along with the Galaxy S10 next week.

Given that Samsung has not elected to remove the images despite the buzz, the “leak” may have been an intentional move to generate excitement.

Samsung Will Have to Compete With the Pixel Watch

This new line of proposed wearables offers variety in a homogenous wearable device world.

After all, many people swear by their Apple watches, but only use specific functions exclusive to those devices. If given the choice, many users would opt for other brands with similar features. You can find some alternatives, however, including the Samsung Galaxy Watch.

Despite this exciting news from Samsung, the joy won’t last long with an impending competition.

Last year, new information and rumors about the Google Pixel Watch emerged. We covered what we knew about them then, but are still waiting for new details to come forth. Only time will tell if Samsung launched its own product line in time to compete.

Read More: Samsung Teases Foldable Smartphone Release

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Juliet Childers

Content Specialist and EDGY OG with a (mostly) healthy obsession with video games. She covers Industry buzz including VR/AR, content marketing, cybersecurity, AI, and many more.

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