Marketing 2 min read

Search Console Gets New Data for Recipe Structured Data

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Publishers use recipe structured data to communicate specific information to Google. These include nutrition information, cooking time, reviewer rating, preparation time, among others.

The search engine then uses this information to understand the recipe further. That way, it can present it to users in the form of a recipe rich result in Google Search and Google Images.

There’s just one thing. Although the information on recipe pages is available on Google Analytics, the data does not cover recipe rich results. As such, site owners could not monitor traffic from the rich results that the search engine serves.

Well, not anymore.

Earlier in the week, Google announced that it was updating the Search Console Performance Report. Now, site owners that use recipe markup on their websites can access the data in the Performance Report section.

The announcement reads:

“If you have Recipe structured data on your site, you can now monitor your traffic using the Search Console Performance report. You’ll find it in the Search Appearance tab.”

Here’s how to access the performance data.

New Data for Recipe Structured Data on Search Console

The new set of data is under the “Search Appearance” tab in the Performance Report Section of the Search Console.

Thanks to this data, publishers can better monitor the impact of recipe rich results using specific metrics. These include total clicks, impressions, average click-through-rate, as well as the average position. Also, you can filter these metrics based on the queries, devices, or geographies.

By analyzing these metrics, site owners will know exactly how to improve the performance of recipe pages in the search result.

For example, publishers can now monitor how often the search engine serves a recipe page as a rich result. Then, they can use this information to make the necessary adjustments.

With that said, the recipe structured data is not a ranking factor. Instead, it provides quick access to relevant information, thus, enhancing search experience.

Read More: Google Adds new Core Web Vitals Feature to Search Console

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Sumbo Bello

Sumbo Bello is a creative writer who enjoys creating data-driven content for news sites. In his spare time, he plays basketball and listens to Coldplay.

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