Technology 4 min read

Tech with Legs: DigitalOcean

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This week on Tech with Legs we have a cloud computing platform making huge waves in the industry with a simple and efficient design. Here’s a brief overview of DigitalOcean, and what they can do for you.

You are designing a killer web-based app. How do you host it, monitor its development, and ensure it gets the attention it deserves? In a word: DigitalOcean.

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You’ll need cloud computing to make that happen. Putting your product on the cloud is faster, more efficient, and far safer than traditional server-based systems, and you’ll have a hard time finding a better platform for your app.

Building and scaling web applications on the cloud is difficult, however, and that’s why this week’s Tech with Legs is DigitalOcean. As complicated as cloud software development is, DigitalOcean provides a slew of services and apps that make it simple for any dev.

What Does DigitalOcean Offer?

DigitalOcean’s goal is to make cloud-based software development easily available to the consumer market. Learning to develop web-based apps may be complicated for some, but with their custom API, devs new and seasoned will have a lot of the grunt work done for them based on preferences.

DigitalOcean provides you with an SSD Cloud Server that they call a ‘Droplet‘. Setting up a Droplet requires a simple three step process that only takes about 55 seconds.

First, you designate a label for your workload, then you choose what size of server you need, and from there you only need to select on which datacenter (of which there are ten worldwide) that you want to host your cloud. From there you can use their custom monitoring software as well as other automation functions to ease your development workload.

What kind of apps, you may ask? Here’s just a few that you can put on your Droplet:

  • Cassandra can provide you with a resilient database that can handle massive data sets across multiple nodes.
  • Drone hops on your cloud server and can integrate readily with Github, Bitbucket, and Google Code to make setup quick and easy.
  • Elixir gives you the ability to set up a reliable app with just one click.
  • GitLab facilitates distributed management of issue tracking, activity feeds, wikis and more, helping you create digital products with your entire team.
  • LAMP is their most popular one-click installation. With a single press of a button, you can create a cloud server with Apache, MySQL, and PHP already installed.
  • WordPress is one of the most popular web-based publishing platforms in the world with over 60 million users.

To see more of the apps they can support, check out their apps page.

Why Choose DigitalOcean?

DigitalOcean has been around since 2011, and since 2015 they have risen to become the world’s second largest hosting provider in the world according to

That kind of success doesn’t come along for no reason. The company is devoted to making their platform as developer-friendly as possible, leaving developers more able to focus on their applications rather than distribution.

According to CEO Ben Uretsky, focusing on making life easier for developers has allowed them to tap into a large market of small organizations to which larger cloud providers aren’t catering. This difference in focus is why Uretsky doesn’t even consider the big cloud computing names like Amazon Web Services to be a competitor. One has to appreciate that level of confidence when it is backed up by so much success.

Their priorities have clearly been working for them, and for the consumer that means that they are going to keep focusing on providing an easy, streamlined experience that allows them to scale their product up as far as they please. That way, everybody wins, and that’s good business no matter how you look at it.

For more information on DigitalOcean, check out their website at or follow @digitalocean on Twitter.

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