What do Robert Grosseteste, bishop of Lincoln (1170-1253), the ‘M’ String Theory, and the current state of quantum supercomputing have in common? They all indicate that we exist in a universe of multiple dimensions.
As we try to draw up fool-proof theories to explain everything, we are met with much trial and error. Yet, when theories hit close to the mark, we often find that existing theories and methodologies are congruent to the new concepts we develop.
A 12th century Bishop, String Theory, and Quantum computing all point towards parallel universes.Click To TweetGrosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln, a Single Point of Light
Grosseteste’s “De Luce” (concerning light) is a pre-Newton attempt to explain the universe with a set of physical laws.
Grosseteste suggests that the universe begins from a single point of light (Big Bang, anyone?) where matter and form are combined. This point expands until matter can go no further which constitutes the first sphere. Then, another type of light shines inward, compressing matter until it cannot any further and thus the second sphere is created. This continues as Grosseteste relies on a series of surprisingly precise equations.
A 2014 paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society A recreated Grosseteste’s equations with computer models. Despite the team’s researchers suggesting that Grosseteste was not aware of this at the time, his equations point towards a series of ordered universes akin to the modern “multiverse.”
The same team’s researchers also used Grosseteste’s three-dimensional concept of color to describe a new “meshed spiral” coordinate system for color-space science that is used today.
The Mother of all String Theory
String Theory ties together Einstein’s general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, allowing us to break down the universe into atoms, and then further into electrons and further into quarks, all of which are governed by vibrating strings whose interactions make up the function of the universe.
As City College of New York physicist Michio Kaku explains in the video below, that hypothetically speaking, String Theory best operates when 11 parallel universes are assumed.
Because as we try to balance observable forces in the universe such as electromagnetism and the nuclear force, one dimension is not sufficient to contain them. As these forces begin to stack, one, two, or even five dimensions is not enough to balance these forces.
Yet, as you reach 11 theoretical parallel universes, all of the observed forces in our universe are balanced.
Why not 12 universes?
Again, as Kaku explains, 12 universes goes too far.
It indicates two time parameters rather than one, where the time between the first 11 universes and the subsequent 12th is perpendicular – a fact that is currently impossible with our current understanding.
Quantum Computing is Weird Science, and it’s About to get Weirder
How does Quantum Computing play into all of this?
The fact that quantum computers code information in quantum bits, or qubits, helps answer that question.
These qubits can exist in multiple states at once, which takes advantage of certain phenomena as quantum entanglement and superposition.
First introduced by Hugh Everett in 1957, the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics suggests that quantum superpositions extend across parallel universes.
Or, as venture capitalist Steve Jurvetson explains in the short video below, a 1000 qubit supercomputer takes advantage of computational resources within parallel dimensions, and is devilishly close to being able to readily compute faster than the universe.
In a recent issue of Physical Review Letters, researchers including Hoi-Kwan Lau explain how a new quantum machine learning algorithm can handle infinite dimensions. Quantum machine learning is a new subfield of quantum information that combines machine learning’s ability to learn and adapt with the speed and capability of quantum mechanics.
Most quantum machine learning algorithms only work with a discrete (limited) number of variables. This new algorithm, however, can handle continuous-variable problems- theoretically opening the door to handling information from an infinite number of universes.
Parallel Universes and Synchronicity
Evidence of the Multiverse Theory stems back almost a thousand years with the Bishop of Lincoln, continued with Einstein and is now being taken to new heights (and dimensions) by modern scientists.
Although with different tools and sets of information, scientists throughout our history have often found a thematic congruence in each other’s work – albeit by very different means.
Do you think we live in a universe or a multiverse?
Cool Article. Even today’s fastest supercomputers carry out only one operation at a single moment in time. Some interesting works out there take the possibilities of quantum computer processing to their logical conclusions. For instance, “Evolution of Simulated Universes” discusses the possibility of running computer simulated universes. Basically, this could explain a type of ‘natural selection’ of physical properties from universe to universe. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20874558-the-evolution-of-simulated-universes
Finally, something that makes sense.
Take an long hard look at the equations that is supposedly there to explain, everything?.
E=mc” says nothing, other than kinetics, nothing else.
Energy is matter with light, but thats all, spiraling inward to an center, an singularity, maybe.
To me, its Energy, and Consciousness, that dance, creates matter, this two sets the boundary’s for the levels of manifestation of what becomes matter.
To me, Consciousness is fundamental, call it information, etc, etc, complexity I agrees, but the universe is still an field of its own, how big it is, I simply dont know, can assume, of course but to me its an ridiculous waist of time, nothing lasts forever, but nothing goes away either, there is only transitions, in all fields, and levels of information aka intelligence.
I think Pilot wave is the answer.
And we live in an electric universe, period.
What is it then, that presents the boundary’s of the effect called energy, starts it, and holds it, multiples it, still within boundary’s as the periodic charts tells us there is.
What is it, kinetics, nope, then what, something fundamental is missing, isnt it.
Because of the information complexity, we persive as beings, is an end result of something, making everything real.
Intelligence, maybe, intelligence is an result of information already nested in the energy, isnt it, because without something, witch filters the information, how else can something exists, in the first place, randomness, please, I dont believe in magic, not in you way of thinking anyway.
You must separate Info and Intelligence, and intelligence it self is divided into sub groups or levels, based upon what the basic info have allowed to manifest.
And to me, “intelligence” in it self an word decapitated of meaning, this days, when I say everything, is intelligent, what separates us is the manifestation of it, language you may say.
Not much else.
I dont think for an moment this is an result of unguided processes, sorry, but one universe remains, the wast plain we see, is just ours inherent processing ability’s allows us to do, the universe at large remind the same, what is, is interpretations and interactions with this fields, and we have one field, among others.
We are as begins locked into this one, but have the ability to cross boundary’s, dont forget that.
That one, is in side us, not so much outside, expect regarding the energetic point, little, must our own consciousness.
Make sure you read it with an open mind, because this is real, and I am not joking.
And in order to work in multiple reality’s you may need way points/centrals, to make that side have its own process, because reality’s change, also because of the inherent boundary’s, where you have to make an transition of information, to get to the other side, to then be able to keep communication surviving, I think you have to look at what makes the difference.
Because the universe is one, reality’s is something else, an effect created by and rests in the universe at large.
And by the way, its Pink.
We are inside, along with everything else Bluish.
Other colors exists.
But we all have one thing in common, the sea gull and you, our mind is focused on interpreting the universe at large, and that large field is an colored one, think interwoven, its just an slight movement away there is an entirely different universe, its all about matter, matter is the “magic” of everything, but I think it represents something else, carbon, now I am just assuming some connection that rests in carbon, that is and make the difference in what an atom can manifest, since its an convalescence with other molecules.
I dont know, how carbon became the sole fundamental of everything, do you.
The number of the beast.
Why not silicon.
I dont think you know that much. You talk a lot, yet there is so much you do not know. With love, Jacob Cameron Sevall.