Marketing 3 min read

New Study Reveals Which Rich Results get the Most Clicks

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Jane0606 /

Search engine users are more likely to click on rich results than the typical organic result.

In a recent study, analysts at Milestone Research analyzed over 4.5 million queries on Google. This led to the exciting discovery that users click on rich results 58 percent of the time.

Non-rich results, on the other hand, only get a click-through rate of 41 percent. But that’s not the most surprising finding in the study.

The eye-opening part is how much CTR can vary based on the rich result types. For example, the click-through rates can jump as high as 87 percent.

The study also considered which will generate more clicks between branded and non-branded results.

Here are other findings from the study.

Key Takeaways from Rich Results Click-through Rates Study

1. Half of All Queries Results in Clicks on Organic Results

According to the study, the rich and standard results on the first SERP have a CTR of 49.5 percent.

In other words, only about half of all searches results in the user clicking on an organic result. The remaining 50.5 percent goes to voice searches, clicks on paid ads, and no-click searches.

2. FAQ Results Get the Most Clicks

FAQ rich results — including both branded and non-branded keywords — have an average CTR of 87 percent.

According to the analyst at Milestone Research, that’s the highest of all the rich result types they examined. What’s more, the number climbs even further to 91 percent if you consider only non-branded keywords.

3. AMP has the Highest and Lowest CTR

The analysts linked AMPs with both the highest and lowest CTRs in the study.

At 92 percent, non-rich AMP results generate the highest number of clicks per 100 searches. At the same time, AMP articles have the lowest CTR of only 15 percent.

4. Video Rich Results are Top-Performers

According to the study, video thumbnails show up for more than 25 percent of search results.

Video rich results — including branded and non-branded keywords— have a click-through rate of 62 percent. That makes it one of the top-performing rich result types on the search engine result page.

Furthermore, videos are more likely to get more clicks when there are brand keywords in the query.

Finally, Milestone Research points out that the videos in Google’s thumbnail carousel come from YouTube over 50 percent of the time.

So, it makes sense to upload into the platform if you’re looking to increase CTR.

Download the full study here

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Sumbo Bello

Sumbo Bello is a creative writer who enjoys creating data-driven content for news sites. In his spare time, he plays basketball and listens to Coldplay.

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