Marketing 4 min read

How Small Businesses Can Apply Automation in Marketing Campaigns

Alexander Supertramp /

Alexander Supertramp /

It’s no surprise if you’re wondering how you can apply automation in marketing.

For a small business to grow, it should promote its products and services. This usually involves advertising, delivering, and selling products to consumers or other businesses.

But marketing a product is challenging.

Not only is the process tedious and time-consuming, but it could be costly too. Yet, you have to invest in it for your business to move forward.

Thanks to advancement in technology, you have an option. Instead of throwing so many funds into human resources, consider automating your marketing campaign.

No, it’s not nearly as complicated as you imagined. And yes, it’s every bit as efficient as it sounds.

Outlined below are six ways to apply automation in marketing.

6 Ways to Apply Automation in Marketing

1. Artificial Intelligence

In the hands of a business owner or a marketing manager, AI can be a potent tool. Rather than hiring additional customer service staff, you could invest in Chatbots.

The advantages are obvious. Bots never spend time thinking about the appropriate response, and they never take breaks. Besides, they’ll always be available to attend to your client’s queries – as long as the system is running.

Using artificial intelligence, business owners can analyze shoppers’ behavior and offer suggestions on products.

2. Email Marketing

Email marketing is an excellent way to reach out to your audience. But, it’s even better when you don’t have to do anything manually.

That’s right; we’re talking about automatic email campaigns. You have to set it up. Then, when triggered by a subscriber’s behavior, it sends the mail out.

For example, an abandoned cart in an e-commerce site is automated and personalized based on the customer’s behavior. That means, when the shopper does not complete the checkout flow, he or she automatically receives an email.

You can also use automatic email campaigns to keep your customers informed of the following:

  • A change in policy
  • Latest collection
  • Their latest transactions
  • Recent offers
  • Recent page visit etc.

Email automation also enables you to send reminders to customers when it’s time to reorder supplies. Just remember to always include a call to action at the end of the mail.

3. Inbox Filtering

Since we’re discussing email, why not throw in inbox filtering?

As a business owner, you’re likely to receive an innumerable amount of emails every day. While some are important, a more significant percentage would inevitably be junk.

Now, you have to figure out how to separate the wheat from the chaff.

A manual process is not an option. It’s tedious, exhausting, and time-wasting. Instead, consider automating your inbox.

How can you do this?

By using any email service provider, you can set rules, domain message authentication, reporting, as well as conformance for your inbox.

4. Social Media Marketing

You’ve heard it said the “content is king.” But, that’s only true if you share it enough or when your customers are paying attention. That’s what social media marketing offers.

To get the timing right, you must automate the posting process. Luckily for you, most social media platforms offer a scheduling option.

However, if you want to go all out, consider third-party services such as Hootsuite or Sprout Social.

5. Marketing Analytics

Automated analytics is a smart way to monitor your successes and losses.

Like any other manual process, physically investigating analytics is exceptionally challenging and prone to human errors. So, it only makes sense to – you guessed it – automate the process.

Compile a list of key performance indicators (KPIs) that are specific to your marketing goals, then find a software that’ll do the analysis.

6. CRM Tracking

Finally, invest in a CRM tracker to stay on top of emails, meetings, and calls for each customer.

With the right tool, not only will your customer service efficiency increase, but you could save some time as well.

To Wrap Up

Every business owner has loads of tasks to complete within a limited 24-hour period. Ask your self, how many jobs can I finish before the end of the day?

Yes, you could hire extra helping hands to handle some of your work. But that also involves paying a monthly salary. You also have to deal with the inevitable human error.

That’s why automation in marketing is always a good idea. It frees your hands from unnecessary menial tasks and allows you to focus on the one thing that matters – improving your customers’ experience.

Read More:  How Automation Will Double the Number of Jobs it Destroys

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Sumbo Bello

Sumbo Bello is a creative writer who enjoys creating data-driven content for news sites. In his spare time, he plays basketball and listens to Coldplay.

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