Technology 3 min read

AI for Google I/O: Edgy Labs Predictions Come True

Google I/O conference 2017 |

Google I/O conference 2017 |

During its annual developer conference, Google announced many new features for its products and services, which were highlighted by the announcement of several AI-related innovations.

The biggest tech companies have made annual developer conferences like Google I/O a tradition. And now that the snow has melted in places where it snows, it’s the developer season.

After Microsoft’s Build 2017 (May 10th–12th, in Seattle, WA) and Facebook F8 (April 18th and 19th, in San Jose, CA), now it’s Google’s turn with the Google I/O conference 2017–after which will follow Apple’s WWDC 2017 (from June 5th to 9th, in San Jose, CA).

Google is shifting to an AI-first company.Click To Tweet

Google I/O: AI for Every Google

From May 17th–19th, the Google I/O 2017 conference is being hosted at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California. Google calls the conference a developer “festival.” Given the reigning vibe and the cascade of announcements by Google heads succeeding one another on stage, it’s indeed nothing short of a festival.

Between various VR projects, Google Assistant, Google Home, and Android, Google seems to be casting a wide high-tech net.

Yet, the biggest takeaway from day 1 of the Google I/O conference was Google’s focus on AI and Deep Learning in the development of all Google’s services, hardware, and apps.

AI is perhaps where Google outdoes its direct competitors.

In a post from last year, we made the case that AI and machine learning would help Google differentiate itself from the rest of the pack.

In the same post, Edgy also predicted that AI would change SEO drastically, which was confirmed by Google CEO Sundar Pichai in his keynote.

AI-First World

Google is shifting from “mobile-first” to “AI-first.” At the conference, Google made it very clear that it is relying on AI to enhance all of its products and services.

“In an AI-first world we are rethinking all our products,” said Sundar Pichai, “and applying machine learning and AI to solve user problems. And we are doing this across every one of our products. So today, if you use Google Search, we rank differently using machine learning.”

Pichai also announced the new platform The new website is intended to make research in AI and machine learning, as well as the progress of many of Google’s projects, open source.

Google has already made its TensorFlow an open-source library for machine learning developers, and has now unveiled the second-generation Tensor Processor Unit (TPU).

Building on its capabilities in smart search, image and voice recognition, and geographical information, Google is pushing toward the integration of AI management for all products and services, including Google Assistant, Android, Gmail, Google Photo, and the Cloud platform.

Thanks to advances in AI and machine learning, Google products will now be more easily accessible, more versatile in their applications, and more personalized to specific users, provided that their information is available to machine learning algorithms.

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Zayan Guedim

Trilingual poet, investigative journalist, and novelist. Zed loves tackling the big existential questions and all-things quantum.

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