Marketing 3 min read

Google Releases COVID-19 Marketing Strategy Playbook

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The current coronavirus pandemic has changed life as we know it.

To curb how the disease spreads across the planet, we’ve had to shift our routine completely. Along with consumers, businesses have had to adapt to the new realities of these challenging times.

While the timeline for economic recovery remains fluid, Google believes that businesses can still perform specific tasks with certainty today. So the tech giant compiled a list of strategies based on its observation of how companies are handling the changing environment.

In a blog post announcement, Google wrote:

“This guide intends to help you prioritize what to do next and take action. That includes ways to utilize the latest consumer and industry insights, how to evaluate the situation facing your business, and the next steps to shift your digital marketing strategies to meet customer needs.”

Let’s delve a little deeper.

Google’s COVID-19 Marketing Strategy Playbook

Here are some ideas to help businesses adapt marketing strategies in the wake of COVID-19, according to Google.

Path to Economic Recovery

According to Google, there are three paths toward economic recovery after the current pandemic. These include Respond, Rebuild, and Recover/ Reframe.

  • Respond: At the moment, businesses are responding and adapting to the changes in consumer behavior and demand. Google recommends solving what matters today to prepare your business for rebuilding.
  • Rebuild: Companies are rebuilding their marketing basics using tools and measurements to gain deeper insights. The tech company recommends using this time to positioning yourself for recovery.
  • Recover/Reframe: Businesses are reframing their models and digital marketing strategies to restart or maintain growth. Google suggests implementing what you learned from the crisis into a long-term business strategy.

Using Consumer Insights in COVID-19 Marketing Strategy

The section about consumer insight recommends understanding how consumer behavior has changed. Two ways to do this are studying search patterns and using the right tools.

According to Google, the search patterns during the current pandemic are divided into three.

  1. Shock: A sudden change in behavior that’s unlikely to last after the pandemic — for example, searches related to school closing
  2. Step Change: A sudden change in behavior that may remain — for example, home workout-related searches
  3. Speed Up: Acceleration of existing practice that may persist after the pandemic — for example, delivery related searches

The tech company also suggested some tools for discovering consumer insights. These include Google Trends and Alerts, as well as Shopping Insight and Find My Audience

Download Google’s Covid-19 Marketing Strategy Playbook here.

Read More: Google now Requires Identity Verification From Advertisers

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