Marketing 9 min read

Content is King: Why Content is Vital in Digital Marketing

Joseph Mucira /

Joseph Mucira /

Main Content is King Takeaways:

  • Brands use content to improve reach and engagement.
  • You can present information about your brand using different content platforms.
  • Some types of content include email newsletters, blog posts, infographics, and videos.
  • Blog posts provide an excellent opportunity for keyword optimization and link-building.
  • Email remains one of the most popular ways to communicate with the audience.
  • Video remains one of the most common content types today.
  • Your content should address a specific audience’s needs.

In January 1996, Bill Gates published an essay titled Content is King on the Microsoft website. The piece suggested that content would become an essential factor for digital marketing success. He wrote:

“Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.”

Fast forward to the present and yes, he’s right!

It has been over 24 years since Content is King, and those words are more valid than ever. Indeed, content is more relevant now than it was in 1996. But why?

Why Content is King?

Content is king today for the same reason that it was 24 years ago — engagement. Brands push various content types, like funny, entertaining, or informational, to grab a specific audience’s attention. Whether it’s email newsletters, blog posts, infographics, or videos, the goal is to engage your target, build loyalty, and gain more customers.

Almost half of the global population has access to the internet.

According to Statista, the global population is just over 4 billion. That includes 3.7 billion mobile internet users and over 3 billion social media users. Marketers can quickly reach these people using the right content.

However, it begins with finding the right platform to publish your content.

What is a Content Platform?

An illustration of a cloud containing different words reads; content is king.
Suomy Nona /

Harvard Business Review describes a content platform as a standardized method of presenting the information. Whether it’s search engines, social media pages, or review sites, a content platform ensures that specific information is readily available to the target audience. For example, you can publish your videos on streaming sites such as YouTube. Similarly, brands can post content on social networking sites like Facebook or LinkedIn.

Here’s a breakdown of platforms based on the content type.

1. Image-Sharing Platforms

Brands can share infographics and other types of branded photos on various image-sharing platforms.

Visual content like pictures, diagrams, charts, infographics, gifs, and memes could easily attract the attention of people. By sharing images and other visual content related to their brands and products on different image-sharing platforms, companies could quickly reach more audience.

Some of the most popular platforms for sharing image content are Instagram and Pinterest.

2. Video-Sharing Platform

With over 163 million monthly active users, YouTube remains the most popular video-sharing platform. As such, it’s the ideal platform for brands that are looking to engage potential customers.

Besides YouTube, other video sharing platforms include Vimeo, Snapchat, and TikTok, among others.

3. Wiki Content Platforms

The first thing that comes to mind here is Wikipedia, and that’s not surprising.

The free online encyclopedia is often referred to as the mother of all content platforms. Moreover, Wikipedia enjoys tons of attention from search engines such as Google and Bing.

However, the word Wiki refers to websites or databases developed collaboratively by a community of users. As a result, any user will have the privilege of writing and editing content.

You can use Wikis to share information about your company or the people behind the success of your organization. This can help improve your company or brand’s online visibility.

Besides Wikipedia, other available Wikis online are WikitravelWikiHowWiktionary, and WikiBooks.

4. Podcasts-Hosting Sites

The phrase content is king extends beyond visual materials alone. Companies can now create and share podcasts to inform and entertain a specific audience.

It begins with uploading your audio files on podcast-hosting platforms such as BuzzSprout, Podbean, or Transistor. After that, you can promote the content on Google Podcast, Spotify, Apple Podcast, or SoundCloud.

5. Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter address the user’s short-attention span.

For example, brands using Twitter must summarize their content within a 280-character limit. Similarly, Facebook allows its users to scroll through local content conveniently.

With social media, you can create a community where you can engage with your followers using different kinds of content. It could be a quick poll about a new product or a social card announcing an upcoming event that you are about to host.

What are the Types of Content?

Marketers use various types of content to increase reach and engagement. These include:

  • blog posts
  • white paper
  • e-book
  • email newsletter
  • infographics
  • videos
  • case studies
  • memes
  • book reviews
  • podcasts
  • research
  • data

However, for this post, we’ll focus on some of the most shared content types.

1. Website Content

Image shwows WordPress content management system
Werner Moser /

Blog posts and articles may be the most dominant form of content on the web. According to HubSpot, businesses that use blogs in content marketing are 13 times more likely to increase ROI.

That’s because well-written content can drive a lot of organic traffic to your website. At the same time, it also provides a convenient way to inform potential customers about your products, service, and brand.

For example, brands use long-form pieces to match up against popular queries on Google Search. And with the help of advanced optimization tools like INK, they can quickly answer questions that are relevant to their audience.

Moreover, blog posts provide an excellent opportunity for keyword optimization and link building. This, in turn, can help improve your website’s SEO and organic traffic.

2. White Paper and e-book

Image shows an ebook on an Amazon kindle pad.
Free-Photos /

The goal of this content type is to provide valuable insights into industry-specific topics. Brands use white papers and e-books to inform the audience about their products.

These types of content are usually between 3,000 and 5,000-word count and often downloadable as PDFs. For this reason, it takes longer to develop white papers and e-books than an average blog post.

However, statistics suggest that they’re effective at grabbing attention and establishing expertise in a field. That’s why as much as 79 percent of B2B buyers share white papers with their colleagues.

3. Email Newsletter

Illustration shows email marketing apps on a computer and smartphone
talha khalil /

Businesses that consistently introduce new products, services, or promotions need a quick way to share these updates with their audience. That’s where the email newsletter comes in.

Email remains one of the most popular ways to communicate with the audience. And that’s not surprising. According to Statista, roughly 90 percent of adults in the United States use email.

Email marketing entails sending out a series of emails to your subscribers and collecting data in return. Not only will such information speed up the buying process, but it could also improve your content creation.

Consider creating a trigger-based email system that’ll compose a semi-personal email based on user behavior.

4. Infographics

Image shows an illustration of various infographics on a desktop computer
200 Degrees /

In an age with progressively shorter attention span, infographics are an excellent way to provide information.

That’s because this content type is visual, and visuals are known to improve learning and retention by 400 percent. In fact, infographics have more impact on learning than any other content type.

So, if your post relies heavily on facts and figures, you may want to turn the article to visual content. Luckily, several tools, such as PiktoChart and Canva, can help with that.

5. Videos

Illustration shows video streaming page on a desktop computer
200 Degrees /

Videos have become one of the most popular content due to the number of people with access to smartphones.

According to reports, over 75 million people in the United States currently watch an online video every day. What’s more, Cisco predicts that video will represent 82 percent of internet traffic by 2025.

The prediction may not be far-fetched, considering the number of video platforms that are available today. Besides YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat offer video upload options.

There’s also Live Video, which allows brands to engage with their audience in real-time. According to Facebook, people engage with live streams three times as long as other content.

6. Case Studies

Content is king illustration shows a manuscript that depicts case studies
slightly_different /

Brands use case studies to make issues more relatable. That’s because they use archetypal examples to illustrate common challenges that your audience may be facing.

A compelling case study usually begins with a summary of a specific problem that consumers may be experiencing. After that, it goes over the solution, providing actionable examples that readers can emulate.

In the end, the case study provides a summary of the results that your customer achieved using your product or service. A strong call-to-action usually follows this.

As said earlier, these six content types are some of the most popular across the web. However, specific practices are necessary to create top-notch content that’ll engage and encourage sharing.

How do you Create Content?

Creating great content begins with knowing your target audience. After that, you must create an outline that’ll address the audience’s specific needs. Then, choose a strong topic that sparks readers’ interest.

If you want to know more about content creation, we’ve detailed everything that you must know in our article 7 Useful Tips To Create Viral Content.

Other effective content creation techniques include:

  • Understanding your topic
  • Optimizing your content using tools such as INK or KWFinder
  • Making the content helpful and engaging
  • Proving accurate information

These techniques are essential, whether you’re creating a blog post or video content. However, if you’re unsure how to proceed with written content, consider taking a content writing course online.

Read More: How and why you Should Only Create Authentic Content.

First AI Web Content Optimization Platform Just for Writers

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Edgy Universe

EDGY is an SEO incubator, forecaster, and support center for deep learning, technological advancement, and enterprise-level end-to-end search programs.

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  1. Profile Image
    vijaylal paul July 12 at 11:12 am GMT

    I read this article! I hope you will continue to have such articles to share with everyone! thank you!

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      Marvin Bastow March 02 at 8:52 am GMT

      Investment is one of the best ways to achieve financial freedom. For a beginner there are so many challenges you face. It’s hard to know how to get started. Trading on the Cryptocurrency market has really been a life changer for me. I almost gave up on crypto at some point not until saw a recommendation on Elon musk successfully success story and I got a proficient trader/broker Mr Bernie Doran , he gave me all the information required to succeed in trading. I made more profit than I could ever imagine. I’m not here to converse much but to share my testimony; I have made total returns of $10,500.00 from an investment of just $1000.00 within 1 week. Thanks to Mr Bernie I’m really grateful,I have been able to make a great returns trading with his signals and strategies .I urge anyone interested in INVESTMENT to take bold step in investing in the Cryptocurrency Market, he can also help you RECOVER your lost/stolen Cryptocurrencies. you can reach him on WhatsApp : + 1 (424) 285 – 0682 or his Gmail : BERNIEDORANSIGNALS @ GMAIL . COM bitcoin is taking over the world, tell him I referred you

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        Michael Calce May 02 at 9:12 pm GMT

        Sometimes last month my spouse started
        misbehaving and acting weird she’s clingy with
        her mobile devices which made me develop a
        suspicious mindset towards her phone activities so I became curious to know what she’s been doing on her phone lately so I searched the internet for the best and efficient phone spying expert I found RecoveryBureauC through Mspy reviews from a trusted and verified user so I decided to give this tech genius a try to know if he can truly help me in my case. Fortunately for me it was the right step and best decision. I reached out to him via his contact address at RecoveryBureauC @ g mail, cOm and told him about my situation and he promised to deliver a satisfactory service at the shortest time possible which he did. I hired him and within few hours all information from her phone and internet activities popped in and it was as if I got her phone in my palm. I got to know she’s been cheating all along our relationship with a guy downtown which got me infuriated I’ve been channeling my resources in terms of affection, time and funds wrongly. I became depressed and when I showed her all proof and evidences she couldn’t deny it. It was all like a dream to me but kudos to the tech prowess of RecoveryBureauC via gmail, cOm who rescued me. WhatsApp: +447586868096

        • Profile Image
          Alex Berry May 02 at 9:17 pm GMT

          When it comes to recovery of stolen or lost cryptocurrency assets, reach out to RECOVERYBUREAUC @ GMAIL C0M. Just few days ago I got tricked by a fake investment website where I lost about $245,000 to this unscrupulous scheme. After I got deceived with a 25percent ROI on my investment weekly. I thought it was a good investment not knowing it was a bait to get me out of my savings. However after days of brooding and depression I found the best cryptocurrency recovery team at RECOVERYBUREAUC @ GMAIL C0M who came to my rescue and completely recovered my stolen funds with ease and without hidden fees. He’s the real deal and reliable recovery personnel 


      • Profile Image
        Daniel Ray June 19 at 2:28 am GMT


        Have you gotten your bitcoins stolen from your wallet or invested in an ICO that turned out to be a scam, you are not alone because this happened to me too. I initially lost $96,000 in just less then five months from Fake investment scam company. My friend referred me to a hacker who helped me recover all my funds within 3 days. I’m speaking up to improve awareness of these cryptocurrency thieves and help as much as i can to reduce victims to the minimum. If you have been a victim, Simply contact Them ( MorrisGray830 at Gmail Dot Com )or whatsapp ( +1 607 698 0239 )……

  2. Profile Image
    paul vikram July 12 at 11:13 am GMT

    Amazing information providing by your article, thank you so much for taking the time to share a wonderful article.

    • Profile Image
      Michael Calce May 02 at 9:13 pm GMT

      RecoveryBureauC (at)gmail, com offers five star mobile phone monitoring and assets recovery solution. The new AI technology has been the latest trick used by many fake cryptocurrency investment theft. I fell for this deceit just last week when I got a phone call from someone who impersonated my close friend and introduced me to this investment project. He describes just exactly like her and how she’s been benefiting from the profits of the investment so I decided to invest not
      knowing I would get tricked. I almost lost about 858,000 USDT of my inheritance funds and money borrowed from different loan agents on this Chinese investment platform.
      After few days of losing this huge funds I did thorough search for help and I found RecoveryBureauC (at)gmail, cOm whom I reported my situation. I opened a case with this team and they assured me of a swift action immediately. To my surprise within few hours I reached out to them they were able to retrieve the first tranche of my stolen funds and the remaining subsequently. Their services were seamless and perfect without any hassle. I’m glad I got rescued and I’ll urge you to look this firm up for all asset recovery help. Other services are phone monitoring, catch a suspected cheating spouse, tax evasion, boost of credit scores, upgrade of results, erasing of bad debts etc
      Contact info:
      RECOVERYBUREAUC (at)Gmail, C0M

  3. Profile Image
    kaka rehman December 25 at 8:19 am GMT

    Ok, thanks for the information and have a good day! a href=https://get

    • Profile Image
      Alex Berry May 02 at 9:18 pm GMT

      Few weeks back I was surfing the internet then I found a MT5 forex trading website which I decided to invest in their trade signal. At first I made 50percent profits on my investment so I decided to put in a huge chunk of my savings about $355,000 on the platform so as to receive double of my investment. Then I got tricked out of my funds it was as if I was dreaming, afterwards I started searching the internet for a legitimate and genuine recovery expert to recoup my stolen funds in USDT then I found RECOVERYBUREAUC @ GMAIL C0M whom I hired and he was able to totally retrieve my funds using his recovery tools and tech prowess. It was a smooth and swift service. Contact this recovery agent now for help at 


      WhatsApp: ‪+44 7586 868096‬

  4. Profile Image
    Abdul sttar Buzdar January 27 at 4:28 pm GMT

    میں نے یہ مضمون پڑھا! مجھے امید ہے کہ آپ سب کے ساتھ اشتراک کرنے کے لئے اس طرح کے مضامین جاری رکھیں گے! شکریہ!

  5. Profile Image
    VIVIA ANIIS February 06 at 10:36 pm GMT

    Had a poor experience investing my money; it wasn’t simple for me because I was scammed numerous times. Up until I came across Jeff, a recovery specialist, I had almost totally lost all of my money. He helped me, helped me get my funds refunded, and helped me all around. In just 4 days and with very little work, I was able to reclaim my cash. I’ll give Jeff my utmost respect because he’s sincere and honest on all counts,  and he helped me recover what I lost.
    Use WhatsApp to reach him right away if you need his assistance: +84 94 767 1524; email: jeffsilbert39 gmail com.

  6. Profile Image
    Dr Abaka April 29 at 9:41 am GMT

    One has to be careful with the brokers on the internet now. Last year I was scammed in the binary trade option by a broker I met on Instagram. I invested $14000 which I lost, I couldn’t make a withdrawal and I slowly lost access to my trade account for 3 months I was frustrated and depressed. After a few months, I met Jeff Silbert who is A recovery expert that works in affiliation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law firm. he worked me through the process of getting my money back and all the extra bonus which I got during my trading. he can be of help to anyone who has a similar situation. You can contact him via his

    mail: jeffsilbert39 @gmail. Com

    WhatsApp +84 94 767 1524

  7. Profile Image
    Dr Abaka May 01 at 2:31 am GMT

    Many people try to invest their money so as to make more profit after a certain period of time. This is certainly not a wrong move but scammers online make use of this opportunity to deprive people of their money. You might have invested your Bitcoin in the wrong investment company and lost it but you do not need to worry reach out to Mrs Lisa for help in getting your funds recovered. she helped me as well mail her via. ‘ Lisa.Eric at ‘ or whatsapp + 84 94 767 1524

  8. Profile Image
    Dr Abaka May 01 at 2:32 am GMT

    Many people try to invest their money so as to make more profit after a certain period of time. This is certainly not a wrong move but scammers online make use of this opportunity to deprive people of their money. You might have invested your Bitcoin in the wrong investment company and lost it but you do not need to worry reach out to Mrs Lisa for help in getting your funds recovered. she helped me as well mail her via. ‘ Lisa.Eric at ‘ or whatsapp + 84 94 767 1524 Mrs abert is a super nice man

  9. Profile Image
    Jared Leto May 28 at 11:14 am GMT

    Hello guys I wan to say this to whom it may concern. Investing in crypto was my husband ideal. I trade with sim ceypto platform not knowing they where sc!m and this made me lose almost all I had. Am only happy because I found help after reporting to Mrs Lisa Eric and she helped me recover all I lost to these fake crypto platform. My advice is that everyone need to be careful of the platform you deal with. If you have falling victim of these fake platform do not hesitate to file a complaint to Lisa via he mail ( Lisa.Eric @ ) she helped me and I believe she can help you too. Stay safe guys. You can visit WhatsApp +84 94 767 1524.

  10. Profile Image
    Anthony Gary June 11 at 9:35 pm GMT

    All thanks to Mr Jeff Silbert for restoring me from my lost which i made to fake account management online. i was introduce to a fake platform by someone I came across online and this made me lose over 7,500 i almost lost all I have but thank god i w3as able to recover my funds by Mr. Jeff Silber. I think you can reach him if you need help email him Jeffsilbert39 gmail com or
    WhatsApp 84 94 767 1524. trust me he is super nice man.

  11. Profile Image
    Dr Abaka June 13 at 12:43 pm GMT

    After so many attempts in getting my funds back which I lost to a fake platform called truimph fx. I lost the total of $38.000. I needed the profit to celebrate in the festive season but all thanks to a recovery this company helped me in recovery my lost which I made to this fake platform. I will highly LF res cue.o rg to anyone in need of help in restoring your lost. WhatsApp +8 .4 9,4 7,,6,,7 1,5,2 ,4.,

  12. Profile Image
    Scott Onesie June 24 at 11:01 am GMT

    I am from Australia and I didn’t believe anyone could manipulate the Australia Credit Bureaus, but my cousin confessed to me about how he got his credit score so high and removed the judgement he had. So I pleaded with him to share the contact of whoever that helped him. He then introduced me to CLEVERCREDITFIX1 @GMAIL. COM whom I contacted and he removed the judgment from my report, collections and cleared the huge debt that messed up my report. I promised Clever Credit to let the world know about their wonderful services, perhaps this review.

  13. Profile Image
    Elena Lago June 29 at 12:49 am GMT

    Who Is The Best Bitcoin Recovery Expert To Recover A Scammed Cryptocurrency? Contact Ultimate Hacker Jerry

    It is highly disconcerting to lose your Bitcoin (BTC) to a phony online investment platform, transfer your cryptocurrency to the incorrect wallet, or forget the password to your wallet. Thankfully, I read an article on ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY after becoming a victim of crypto theft. His evaluations were incredibly positive and trustworthy. Ultimate Hacker Jerry is a certified expert in digital currencies that help victims of fraud to recoup their losses. In under 24 working hours, Ultimate Hacker Jerry miraculously recovered my wallet and all of my Bitcoins. To everyone who needs his service, Ultimate Hacker Jerry is a professional and highly recommended. Contacting him is possible at:

    Email (
    whatsapp (+152-0282-7151)
    Remain Blessed and be updated, don’t make the same mistake as I did.

  14. Profile Image
    luke cane October 19 at 5:13 pm GMT

    I got myself involve in trading with an unregulated binary option broker company , my total asset was withheld for no reason, I paid several fees for this but still couldn’t get my funds, I had to file a case report to Gavin ray a well known recovery specialist who help in recovering back all scammed crypto from any scam companies provided you have the right information, he was able to restore all my asset .get in touch with Gavin on mail Gavinray78@gmail. com or WhatsApp +1 352 322 2096, he’s highly recommended.

  15. Profile Image
    Dung Hung October 26 at 12:07 am GMT


    I am by name Dung Hung from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Losing a BTC wallet can be a nightmare for anyone who has invested a lot in cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, I found myself in this exact situation a few days ago when I realized that I had lost my BTC wallet. The panic and anxiety that came with losing something so valuable were overwhelming, and I was desperate to find a solution. After extensive research, I finally decided to reach out to OMEGA CRYPTO RECOVERY SPECIALIST, a recovery service that helped me recover my lost BTC wallet. I am a living testifier and I am putting this out here to anyone who also requires their service. They are fast and reliable

    Contact Line;

    www . omegarecoveryspecialist . c o m

    +1 (251), 2 16. 64 6 6

    Mail; support@omegarecoveryspecialist . c o m

  16. Profile Image
    VIVIA ANIIS November 18 at 9:01 pm GMT

    I have finally recovered all the lost crypto which i made to some fake crypto trading company with the help of Jeff Silbert a financial recovery expert. After months of waiting for this company to accept my withdrawal request which they denied, They locked my account and stopped responding to my mails. he helped me to recover all my money from them. She trusted and honest All thanks to Jeff and you can contact him via em ail on jeffsilbert 39 g mail Com or whatapp 1 (470 ) 469 9769

  17. Profile Image
    robert mcnamara December 12 at 9:14 am GMT

    I wonder if there is any form of humanity in them. They made me deposit more and more just to get a withdrawal, but it was all a lie. I lost almost my savings to them until I sought help elsewhere and I was able to regain my asset through aDdReSs
    Gavinray78 @ gmai1.Com

  18. Profile Image
    monika Schultz March 21 at 9:47 pm GMT

     (Cyber wizzard recovery pro) Are highly recommended on the website they are able to carry out all the task within 24 hours, they also helps with: Binary Recovery, Files Recovery, Crypto investment, Password, Bypass / Recovery Malware Removal / Criminal Record Expunge, Blank ATM Card, Social Media Hack, Remote Mobile Monitoring & Hacking, Credit Repair and Private Key Reset. they are very good and reliable you can reach out to them if you are in need of service of a good hacker
    WhatsApp on +1, 601, 460, 9477
    email them on. cyberwizzard @ seznam . cz

  19. Profile Image
    Steve Ballmer March 28 at 2:32 am GMT

    I Have At Last Located A Trustworthy Cyber Expert Who Deals With Lost Bitcoin Troubles Contact Lost Recovery Masters

    I’m Steve Ballmer and I’m thrilled to tell you about this. After being duped into investing in stolen bitcoin a few months ago, I lost all of my cash. Even though I was in a terrible situation, my despair did not last long because a coworker had told me about LOST RECOVERY MASTERS who deal with Cryptocurrency Recovery Solution. Through the assistance of Lost Recovery Masters, I was able to get back the money that had been stolen. After being informed by another bunch of hackers that my 745,000 was permanently lost, I was able to restore it. It was a huge relief, and anyone out there who unquestionably fell for this financial swindle should get in touch with Lost Recovery Masters, they will help you recover your lost or stolen funds.
    Contact them on:

    Email: (

  20. Profile Image
    Anthony edwards April 24 at 11:37 am GMT

    Good day, everyone! i don’t want to terrify anyone, but the rise in cybercrime is concerning. i was duped by an investment fraud organization that promised a 100 percent return in a week. I realize it’s greedy, but it can happen to anyone. I failed to this scam and lost up to 385,000 worth of cryptocurrency i taught that i was dealing with the right team until i requested for my withdrawal after some weeks of my membership but the process got declined, i tried to contact the customer care system for help they rather ask that i deposit an extra 64,000 for maintenance fee and some tax fees after i already have a total of 385k,000 on hold, the whole situation got me really depressed and mad at a point that was when i got into looking out for a hacker who could be of help Luckily enough i came CYBERPUNK. (, i emailed him and i explained the situation to him and he assured me to be of help, i trusted him and we got going and in less than 48hours i had all my funds back to my wallet, all thanks CYBERPUNK.

  21. Profile Image
    Michael Calce May 02 at 9:12 pm GMT

    RecoveryBureauC (at)gmail, com offers five star mobile phone monitoring and assets recovery solution. The new AI technology has been the latest trick used by many fake cryptocurrency investment theft. I fell for this deceit just last week when I got a phone call from someone who impersonated my close friend and introduced me to this investment project. He describes just exactly like her and how she’s been benefiting from the profits of the investment so I decided to invest not
    knowing I would get tricked. I almost lost about 858,000 USDT of my inheritance funds and money borrowed from different loan agents on this Chinese investment platform.
    After few days of losing this huge funds I did thorough search for help and I found RecoveryBureauC (at)gmail, cOm whom I reported my situation. I opened a case with this team and they assured me of a swift action immediately. To my surprise within few hours I reached out to them they were able to retrieve the first tranche of my stolen funds and the remaining subsequently. Their services were seamless and perfect without any hassle. I’m glad I got rescued and I’ll urge you to look this firm up for all asset recovery help. Other services are phone monitoring, catch a suspected cheating spouse, tax evasion, boost of credit scores, upgrade of results, erasing of bad debts etc
    Contact info:

  22. Profile Image
    Alex Berry May 02 at 9:14 pm GMT

    Most recovery companies will take your money again. I personally think they are the same set of people that run all of them, seems like an unending cycle and its too sad. The most crazy thing about the whole internet thing is how you can clone a website to make it look like the real one, I discovered so many people fell into this kind of scams. The only recovery company I know that works is RECOVERYBUREAUC (@) Gmail com , I have been to their physical address to meet them before and the good thing about them is that they will let you know if they can handle your case or not. So they will not just take your money when they already know they wont help you out.

    WhatsApp: +447586868096

  23. Profile Image
    Daniel Ray June 19 at 2:26 am GMT


    Have you gotten your bitcoins stolen from your wallet or invested in an ICO that turned out to be a scam, you are not alone because this happened to me too. I initially lost $96,000 in just less then five months from Fake investment scam company. My friend referred me to a hacker who helped me recover all my funds within 3 days. I’m speaking up to improve awareness of these cryptocurrency thieves and help as much as i can to reduce victims to the minimum. If you have been a victim, Simply contact Them ( MorrisGray830 at Gmail Dot Com )or whatsapp ( +1 607 698 0239 )…

  24. Profile Image
    Richardson Angie July 06 at 4:16 pm GMT

    I lost $103,450 with a fake crypto investor. I am Richardson and here is my story. Of course, they advise us to do a good background check before deciding where and when to invest. But they entirely forget that the scammers have a “clean” background record. So you will find all the good reviews and ads about them when you research. Mine was no different. They looked legit and I made my deposits plus other more deposits when chasing my withdrawals. I reached my limits and knew I had to get my money back no matter what. I did some deep searching and finally decided to try out The Exner Hacker at TheexnerhackerATprotonmailDOTcom. Guess who had their total investment in approximately 20 hours. Good thing about this hacker is that they only require the transaction information and hackers address and everything else is on them until the money is fully back. Reach them on their email or Telegram number : (PLUS)1 (917) 384‑3379 to get the help you need with finances and crypto.

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