Marketing 3 min read

5 Ways B2B Businesses can Attract More Leads with Videos

GaudiLab |

GaudiLab |

If a picture is worth a thousand words, videos combine the power of text and images into one powerfully effective tool that can be used by B2B marketers to generate quality engagement and ready-to-buy leads.

The B2C (business-to-consumer) industry has been relying heavily on videos to communicate with customers for as long as there’s been TV. For B2B, however, video marketing is a trend that’s been on the rise in recent years.

Video is a significant asset for any B2B marketing strategy because a video is more effective than a 20-page brochure aimed at improving brand awareness or presenting a product.

Video content captures prospects’ attention more effectively and is far more likely to inform their decision-making process. Furthermore, it is a medium that is easily spread across the web as videos now generate 1,200% more shares than text and images.

Brands that use video marketing grow their revenues around 50% more than companies that don’t, and the majority of professional B2B marketers (70%) believe that video content is the best medium when it comes to conversion of qualified leads.

These are just some stats proving that a B2B video marketing strategy is a must for businesses to drive growth.

Below are some effective ways B2B businesses can use to gain more leads with videos.

Attracting More Leads With Videos

1. Brand Presentation

Prospects land on your site, and here you are with an audience that wants to know more about your business. Video Content is an effective medium to showcase your brand, build its awareness, and ensure the best chances for more engagement and better conversion.

No matter how sophisticated your video is, make the structure simple: pinpoint the problem first, then the solution that your business brings to the table.

2. Webinars

Assuming you know your target audience and what topics they engage with, you should integrate webinars into the communication strategy of your brand to attract new prospects and foster your relationships with old ones.

By connecting with your audience through live webinars, you can build authority, boost your brand’s notoriety, and stand out from the competition in your field or niche.

3. Video and Whiteboard Explanations

You can use videos, or whiteboard animations, to present an overview of a product to highlight a specific feature or illustrate a concept and, more importantly, achieve the primary goal of generating qualified leads.

Again, keep the structure of your video and whiteboard explanations simple. They all should be built around “problem-solving”, starting from the customer’s problem and the way you intend to solve it.

4. Product Demos

Product demos can have a significant impact on the direct conversion of potential customers. As many people who visit your site are already in the decision phase, giving them more information on your product or service will significantly increase your chance of conversion.

Use video demos to explain to prospects the advantages of your product compared to the competition and visually detail its mode of operation and characteristics. Also, make sure to include how it would do in a real-world setting.

5. Customer Testimonials

Your presentation videos, webinars, explainers, and demos have attracted the interest of prospects. Now they’re ready to move on to the next step of the sales funnel.

At this point, there’s nothing better than video testimonials to convince and reassure a prospect of your ability to provide them with the best solution to their problem.

Read More: How To Use Videos In Your Email Marketing

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