Technology 5 min read

8 Recession-Proof Businesses and Methods to Beat Tough Markets

Chanvitphat |

Chanvitphat |

No business likes recession. Yet, some manage to thrive in stressful economic conditions because they provide a product or service that is either necessary or groundbreaking.

Here are eight recession-proof businesses:

1. Transportation

The trucking industry is as strong as it is utterly essential. In the U.S. alone, freight trucking is responsible for 70 percent of transport business. If you look at the number of jobs the industry creates (over half a million) you can see how well trucking companies are currently doing.

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With the advent of drone delivery, shorter supply chains and high-speed train systems, how much longer will trucking companies lead the transportation industry? It is possible that the trucking industry is being artificially propped up, and could be for just a bit longer under Trump’s policies.

Recently amended legislation requires businesses to extend shifts by reducing mandatory rest periods. The same bill cut benefits for coal workers and their families that were brokered under the Truman administration in the 1940s to avoid a strike. Trump promises to make the coal industry bounce back, but the decision in the bill doesn’t bode well for aging industries like coal and trucking, which may soon be replaced by more efficient next-gen technologies.

On the same day that the provision was added, a trucker reported fears of exhausted truckers on the road. Trucking may be the top dog today, but conditions can always change. Despite this, trucks will be driving freight for the foreseeable future, so transportation remains one of our recession-proof businesses.

2. Digital Learning

Unemployment often forces people to change, and that means educating themselves. Thankfully, the Internet makes education more accessible than ever before. This has given rise to an e-learning industry that offers training without the need for brick walls and chalkboards.

Institutions aren’t the only ones making e-learning money on the Internet. Many technologies are marketable to the education industry, such as a virtual orchestra that has the potential for classroom applications.

Businesses can also make good use of digital learning platforms. Here at Edgy Labs we offer many services to help businesses learn how to gain the advantage in the marketplace using cutting-edge growth hacking techniques.

3. Rideshare Services

Aside from Chicago and NYC, taxis have given way to ridesharing. These days, Uber is the king of the streets, operating in more than 500 cities worldwide and offering about 50,000 driving jobs every month.

Ridesharing services are compelling because they make good use of the digital atmosphere of the Internet of Things. In turn, advanced tech companies have contributed to the rideshare industry. These are recession-proof businesses.

4. Online Real-Estate

Taking a note from Zillow and Airbnb, people are finding billions in empty guestrooms or homes. It’s a remarkable product to offer online, but it has become a huge new industry. Online marketplaces are increasing their staff to accommodate the exploding growth of the new online real-estate sector. Much like people will always need a ride to get around, they will need a place to sleep at night.

One example of an online real-estate service is an online marketplace for manufactured homes, where the seller of a home doesn’t need to worry about location before they construct a home. People will always need a place to live, and this is why online real-estate is one of our recession-proof businesses.

5. Blogging

Several opportunities are waiting in the blogosphere. Many businesses are including content marketing in their portfolios, meaning they need content to draw traffic. Being a successful blogger could make you a hot commodity for several businesses who like your work.

If you’re looking for help with your content marketing through blogging, Edgy Labs can help. Excellent content can make for recession-proof businesses by supplying useful information in good times and bad.

6. E-trading

Brick and mortar stores may never completely go away, but the current atmosphere is giving rise to online outlets that offer discounts and free shipping, pushing several big-name stores to close the doors on their physical locations.

E-commerce stores can take advantage of this development by spreading their business around the world with the click of a button. For that matter, demand is still high in developing countries. As they enter the online marketplace, net-based businesses will only see their sales go up.

7. Online Betting

Vices are always going to be lucrative, and one vice of the digital world is gambling. According to Statista, the online sports-betting industry will exceed $52 billion by 2018. If running numbers is your thing, then you may have a secure future in online betting services.

Data science, big data, and analytics are helping tailor games and content to market. There is statistical value in online gambling sites. Researchers could use mountains of available data to better understand other advances in technology, such as those in the medical and psychological fields.

The data raises an ethical question we will have to address soon when deciding how to develop technology. Compulsive behavior is always lucrative, and the only way technology could eliminate this fact is by perhaps editing it out such genetic traits from our genome. Are we willing to prioritize long-term evolution over short-term profit?

8. Professional Marketplaces

The service industry is turning online marketplaces into big business. Thanks to sites like LinkedIn, professional markets are seeing increased growth in the current atmosphere.

Information is the greatest resource in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Therefore, organizing and centralizing information aids companies in accessing resources that they can leverage for success. Companies are on the lookout for disruptive technologies that permit easier access to those resources so they can expedite their results and returns. Utilizing online marketplaces could enable recession-proof businesses where they normall would not.

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William is an English teacher, a card carrying nerd, And he may run for president in 2020. #truefact #voteforedgy

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