Marketing 2 min read

Google Ads Editor v1.2: New Features and More

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Google Ads Editor v1.2 is now available. Expectedly, the latest release of the downloadable application comes with a couple of new features.

Google Ads Editor is a free, downloadable application that allows marketers to manage their Google Ads campaign.

Essentially, the app lets you download one or more accounts and make offline changes. Then, you can upload the changes directly into Google Ads.

Not only does the tool save time, but it provides a convenient way to make bulk changes. Advertisers can also use the Google Ads Editor for:

  • Bulk editing
  • View statistics for all campaigns
  • Manage, edit, and view multiple accounts at the same time
  • Change drafts before uploading into account

Now there’s more. Thanks to the latest release of this useful tool, advertisers are about to enjoy a new set of features.

In the announcement, product manager of Google Ads, Herlen Zoljargal wrote:

“Today, we’re introducing Google Ads Editor v1.2. This latest release includes support for new campaign types and updates to multi-account management.”

Top 4 New Features on the Google Ads Editor v1.2

Here are some handy updates in this latest version.

1. Searchable Errors

Sometimes you could find an item marked with a specific error on the Editor. Previously, you would have to go through the painstaking process of identifying places where the issue may have occurred.

Not anymore. Now you can search for errors across campaigns and accounts to fix them faster.

2. Support for New Campaign Types

The new version of Google Ads Editor comes with support for Discovery campaigns as well as App campaigns for engagement. That means advertisers can now create and edit these campaigns within the Editor.

3. Condensed Edit Pane

The previous edit pane took up a considerable chunk of the app’s right-side. A group of repeated empty fields in the pane means users have to scroll for a while to find a specific area.

Now, Google has included the option to condense empty fields. That way, you can save time while searching for a field.

4. Shared Negative Keyword Lists

Advertisers that have built out broadly applicable negative keywords can now share them across their accounts. Simply apply them in the Shared Library within the Editor.

You’ll find a complete list of the new features in Google Ads Editor v1.2  here. Also, note that the latest update doesn’t support the image carousel yet.

Read More: What Google Search Results Might Look Like Soon

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Sumbo Bello

Sumbo Bello is a creative writer who enjoys creating data-driven content for news sites. In his spare time, he plays basketball and listens to Coldplay.

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