Marketing 2 min read

Meta Descriptions Have the Highest Impact On Click Through Rate

Olivier Le Moal /

Olivier Le Moal /

A new survey offers an insight into a searcher’s decision to click on a result on the SERP. Findings suggest that meta descriptions and brand names play a significant role.

In a recent survey, an internet marketing company, Ignite Visibility, polled more than 500 participants between the age of 25 and 60. Here’s the breakdown of the study.

When asked which factor impacts their decision to click on a search result, 62.9 percent said that it was the meta description. Meanwhile, 24.2 percent of the participants noted that it was the brand name, and another 13 percent picked the title.

In another contrasting finding, 55.1 percent of the participants reveal that they only click on familiar brands within the search result.

Here’s the takeaway.

Meta Descriptions and Brand Recognition Are Essential For Organic Visibility

Meta descriptions and brand recognition Are essential For organic visibility on the search engine.
Image Credit: Ignite Visibility

The study emphasizes the importance of writing compelling meta descriptions.

Google is unlikely to use your description if it can take an accurate one from your page’s content. That means SEO experts and site owners must always create descriptions that align with the searcher’s intent.

Also, the brand name is now a significant factor.

Brand recognition has the most considerable influence on clickthroughs, behind the meta description. As important as SEO efforts are, companies must also focus on brand awareness to build organic visibility.

Other Key Information From the Study

Here are the other takeaways from the Ignite Visibility survey.

More Ads will Turn Users Away

According to the survey, more ads will reduce how searchers use the search engine.

Two-third of the participants, about 66.7 percent, said more ads in search results would make them use Google less. This contradicts a 2018 study in which 75 percent of respondents said that ads enable them to find information quickly.

Featured Snippet Improves Google’s SERP

The digital marketing company conducted its survey in December 2019. And 58.5 percent of the participant said they prefer the state of Google search result in December to how it was 12 months before.

Also, about half of the participants, 55.5 percent, said the inclusion of featured snippets, including other SERP features, improves the result.

Recently, Google has been experimenting with placements on Search. It remains to be seen how searchers will react to the search engine result’s new look.

Read More: How to Write the Best Meta Descriptions for your Website

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Sumbo Bello

Sumbo Bello is a creative writer who enjoys creating data-driven content for news sites. In his spare time, he plays basketball and listens to Coldplay.

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