Marketing 2 min read

Google Responds to Rumored Search Ranking Update

Jane0606 /

Jane0606 /

Fluctuations in Google search results over the weekend has led to speculations of a major Google Search ranking update. But Google says that’s not the case.

It’s no secret that Google’s search result is always changing. Between indexing new pages and refreshing new signals, Google makes thousands of changes every year.

However, a recent change reportedly caused a significant spike in rank checking tools. Also, a couple of site owners reported a substantial shift in their search engine ranking.

Expectedly, the fluctuations sparked chatter in the SEO community. SEOs suggested that Google may have pushed out some ranking algorithm change over the weekend.

In response to an inquiry, an SEO analyst and owner of Marie Haynes Consulting Inc, Marie Haynes tweeted:

“The algo checker tools are mostly showing big spikes over the w/e. Spot checking, we have a few clients with small gains, but most are showing no obvious change from regular traffic levels. We’ll keep watching, & report in a newsletter if it does look like a significant update.”

Google responded to the speculations. And it turns out that there’s no major update, and the fluctuations are perfectly normal.

There Was No Major Search Ranking Update, Says Google

On Wednesday, someone finally asked for a clue of what the rumored update is about. So, Google’s Danny Sullivan responded.

Sullivan tweeted that Google updated all the time. Then, he referenced a 2019 tweet that explained the difference between a core algorithm update and a daily update.

The tweet reads:

“We do updates all the time. I would suggest rereading our general advice about this.”

In other words, the fluctuations resulted from the daily updates that happen all the time. Other possible reasons for the variations include Google Search Console update and update to News.

On the other hand, a core algorithm update is a significant event where the tech giant makes significant changes to its search ranking algorithm. Google released its first core algorithm update of the year back in January.

Read More: Google Explains how Promoting Content Helps With Link-Building

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