Marketing 2 min read

Google's Responsive Search Ads Gets New Features

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Responsive search ads — also known as RSA — allows advertisers to deliver relevant messages to potential customers.

Regular ads require writing a full ad copy for each version before testing the audience’s response. On the other hand, RSA does this heavy-lifting by breaking the component of an ad copy down into assets.

You can write multiple headlines and descriptions when creating a responsive search ad. In turn, Google’s machine learning model will test different combinations of the text to determine which performs best.

In other words, responsive search ads improve campaign performance by adapting the ad content to potential customers. And it does it well too!

RSA is a great way to test the phrasing that users prefer. According to Google, advertisers who add responsive search ads to their ad group see a 10 percent increase in clicks and conversions.

Now, the advertising giant is introducing two new features to make the ad format more useful.

In a blog post announcement, Product Manager at Google Ads, Sylvanus Bent, wrote:

“To help you engage consumers more effectively, we’re introducing new features to make responsive search ads even more relevant and easier to manage.”

The features are location insertion and countdown customizers. Here’s how they work.

Location Insertion and Countdown Customizers on Responsive Search Ads

The location insertion feature on RSA allows advertisers to insert where they’re offering a product or service.

After setting up, the ad should automatically include City, State, or Country based on the potential customer’s location and interest. You can insert location with the command {LOCATION(City)} reference. Note that City in the command can be changed for State or Country.

Along with location insertion, Google also introduced a new countdown customizer feature. Countdown provides a new way to create a sense of urgency around sales.

Your ad will now automatically show how much time is left on a promotion or a deal. That way, potential customers won’t miss out on special offers.

You can bring up the countdown feature using the {COUNTDOWN command. A menu should pop-up that’ll walk you through the rest of the process.

Besides the new features, Google has improved copy suggestions and recommendations for responsive search ads. The advertising giant also announced a new cross-campaign asset reporting.

Read More: Google Ads Tests Curbside Pickup Feature in Shopping

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Sumbo Bello

Sumbo Bello is a creative writer who enjoys creating data-driven content for news sites. In his spare time, he plays basketball and listens to Coldplay.

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